Do You See Investment as Problem / Challenge or an Opportunity?

December 18, 2011

Do You See Investment as Problem / Challenge or an Opportunity?

Greetings from Hitesh !! I am happy with the response I have got to my last email…..35 Reasons To Invest In This Company. I have replied to each of you by today evening. Kindly check your email.

While dealing with the emails… occurred to me that investors approach Investments in three distinct ways.


They do not know much about the investments…..for them investment is to be done for making money as fast as possible. They are too busy to educate themselves, learn fine art of investments or appoint an advisor before they invest. For these kinds of investors…..their investments becomes a problem….its a matter of time.


They are aware about some aspects and they trust media and brokers before they invest. They consider their luck as a main factor for their success. They always remain in the middle of the road….as they do not want to develop their investment skills and they do not want to play 100% based on their luck. For these kinds of investors…..their investments becomes a challenge….its a matter of time.

Fully Prepared:-

Their triangle of success is perfect…..they have the knowledge, skills and attitude for investments. They see their investments as the way to multiply their wealth over a period of time. They always have time to learn new aspects of investments. For these kinds of investors…..their investments becomes an Opportunity to change life…they not only change their own life…..but also….society at a large.

My Personal Call:-

I do not know… do you approach your investments? I just want to share a great opportunity with you.

I. If you think you are not prepared…..I can help you to prepare.

II. If you think you are half prepared…..I can take care of the missing aspects.

III. If you are fully prepared…..I can provide you the privileged investment ideas… just carry out them.

Decide before it is too late. Do not miss.

We are open for subscription for 2012 to 2014……do not miss. Just write to us. We will come back to you.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.

P/S:- Please visit our blog for previous emails..


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