How reliable is Analysis of CLSA and Other FIIs?

December 19, 2011

How reliable is Analysis of CLSA and Other FIIs?

Greetings from Hitesh! On 9th Dec., we had written our article …Hitesh Parikh V/s. CLSA, Credit Suisse and Others. Today once again I am touching the same…..Why?

Today morning CLSA has come out with new announcement……

CLSA said in a note, most of India's problems are self-inflicted and the government was wrongly blaming European crises for it, adding "a selloff to the 11,000-12,000 level on the Sensex, particularly if combined with a rupee move to the 60 level, should generate sufficient noise in India's always noisy media to wake the politicians in Delhi up," said CLSA's equity strategist Christopher Wood in a note on Sunday.

The last report was on 30th November. In just 19 days they have a new view !!

What the note says…… India's problems are self-inflicted and the government was wrongly blaming European crises for it….

My question is (assuming his reading is right) ……

Were they not able to see that on 4th January.,2011 when they gave target of 22500 or on 30th Nov.,2011 when they gave another target of 14000….just 19 days away?

It gives a feeling that either they do not share right information at the right time with you or they do not understand India at all!!

My Personal Call:-

I believe that it is your prerogative to decide whom to follow and whom not to follow. I am very simply when it comes to see the macro picture and I would stick to my analysis.

“Indian Economy is growing at 6.5% and Sensex is going up at 17%”.

Long term investment and long term wealth creation targets can not be achieved through day today analysis of the macro market. They are going wrong…..but for going wrong also they are paid…..If you follow them, will they pay you for your losses?

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Hitesh Parikh.

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