Hitesh Parikh’s Call For Market In 2012.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Hitesh Parikh’s Call For Market In 2012.

Today is the last working day of the market….now we will meet in the year 2012. So, I wish you a very happy, prosperous and peaceful year ahead. Today I am going to deal with market scenario in 2012 as per my study.

But before we peep into 2012…..let us see what has happened in the past?

Year 2009:-

Market gained from a low of 8166 in March 2009 to 17700 by December 2009. This gain was one side……very few could buy. Most of the investors entered after 14000(i.e. after the election results were out). They missed the biggest rally from 8200 to 14000.

Year 2010:-

Market moved from 17700 in January to 21045 in November. The year closed at 20400. In 2010 also….the market moved one side from March to November.

Year 2011:-

From 20400 on January to 15190 on 19th Dec.,2011. The move was not one way…..it was volatile….market witnessed a …..1 step up and 2 steps down.

What happened to Retail Investors?

In the last three years, they played in the range of 14000 to 21000 and from 21000 to 15190. They did not buy at the right time (8000 to 9000 Sensex) and they did not sell at right time (21000-20000 levels). For those who believe that market can not be timed….we had given call to buy at 8000 levels and we were among the first to write about 13000 Sensex on 2nd Jan.,2011. (This was 100% free advice to you as my regular reader….Why did you not follow?)

What Happened Due To This?

Retail participation in the market has come down. This is the basic reason that Big Investors / FII and other sellers who were not able to sell, followed a strategy of 1step up, 2 steps down. They averaged out their selling with their buying in the ratio of 2:1 (they sell 2 shares and buy 1 share to gradually offload their shares). Did you understand?

What are they telling about market?

They all have given down ward targets…….14000 to 11000. Funny aspect is that all the targets have come when market touched 15500!!

The other aspect, which I am not able to understand or digest is, all of their advice comes at the fag end….in 2008, at 8000 they were talking about 6500 / at 17500 in 2009…they were talking about 21000….now at 15500 they are talking about 14000 to 11000!! Either they are not telling you at right time or they are not experts (Both the way you are paying with your losses!!).

My Persona1 Call for 2012:-

Before I write my calls for 2012……I have just two suggestions to make.
If you go on repeating what you have done in 2009 to 2011…..you will get the same results in 2012 to 2014. You missed the biggest rise and fall!! Would you like to repeat that?

There is no free lunch….either you appoint an expert as your personal consultant, pay him his fees and learn everything from him or you can learn by trial and error, pay through your losses and conclude you are unlucky!! Make your choice.

If your choice is to appoint a personal consultant, We are open for subscription for 2012 to 2014……do not miss. Just write to us. We will come back to you.

I have dealt with the 2009 to 2011 to give you perspective …for my calls in 2012, just wait for my next email. Till then….

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.

P/S:- Please visit our blog for previous emails.. http://bestofhiteshparikh.blogspot.com/


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