What will happen to Markets when TRUMP TARIFF trade Reverse?

2nd March 2025

What will happen to Markets when TRUMP TARIFF trade Reverse? 

Dear Fellow Investors,

Namaste! Our last post has given hope to the depressed investors sentiments. Today we are sharing another solid logic which can give a boost to your buying power. Let us understand TRUMP first.

TRUMP: - He has been a successful businessman all his life and he has a team of the top businessmen helping him to Make America Great Again. The uniqueness of all the business people is they love the profit. They want to make tons of money at the speed of thought. When a person is sitting in the most powerful position like the USA president – he has many ways to make money than just to take a short-cuts of the illiterate leaders who take BRIBE. He won’t take bribes. He has smarter ways to make money.

The best thing for any politician is to be on the SEAT till he dies. But in the USA they can lead only for 2 terms. So, this is the last term for TRUMP. 

In the first term – he used the TWITTER and created market movements on both sides. The most money would have been made by him or his friends due to this. 

Knowing this I am sure of the following things. 

1.   As per his horoscope / his oath taking horoscope – he is going to face a lot of opposition in the coming time. Particularly from April 2025 to June 2026. 

2.   He can make America great again but not by killing other countries. As it will lead to the losses of the USA in the end. So, he will need buyers for military products and that's only possible if the other countries are working and independent. 

3.   I strongly feel that he will remove the TARIFF wall or soften the stand on the same in the near future.

4.   Today he has created a panic in the world and investors are selling their stocks at throw away prices. Now, in the stock market – there can’t be a seller without equal and opposite buyers. 

5.  So, while you are selling – who is buying your stocks? If they are buying while you are in panic – what do they know that you don’t know? 

Why will TRUMP face the opposition?

1.   With the increased TARIFF the landed cost in the USA will move up. This will add to the inflation over there. This was the reason that in spite of the FED RATE cut by 1% - bond yields have moved up by 1%. Market knew about this things way back in October 2024. 

2.   He is creating animosity with the outside world as well as the local people. There will be tons of cases against him as the USA legal system is very active. About 20 plus states have gone against him in court for removing the Citizenship by birth in the same week he announced. So, we will see many such cases in the time to come. 

What will be his pay-off?

One fine morning he will announce that he is changing the TARIFF policies and the market will rebound. Those who have bought in this panic – will make tons of money in the coming 3-6 months. 

We told you this year is a year of MERCURY. So, businessmen will take the centre stage and when businessmen are playing – the profit is the only GOAL. 

Understand this and take proper actions. 

Wish you all a SUPER SUNDAY. 

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.

Hitesh Parikh.


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