Answers to these 3 questions decides your Decisions in 2025 and beyond.

13th October 2024


Answers to these 3 questions decides your Decisions in 2025 and beyond.


Dear All,


Namaste! I have been always told – Your Decision decides your Destiny. I was wondering what decides my DECISIONS then. I want to share my break-through in decision making. This is my DIWALI gift to all my readers. If you just ask 3 questions – you will be able to make your decisions in the right way. When your decisions are taken in the RIGHT WAY – your outcome is going to be as per your expectations. 


So, if you are preparing goals and dreams list for 2025 – this can be very useful. Read, apply and take your life to the next level. 


1.  What are you going to FOCUS ON?


Whatever you are focusing on – will affect you. 


a.   Are you focusing on the WAR – then you will get affected by the war related worries. 

b.   Are you focusing on RECESSION – you will get affected by the recession related worries. Some will go to the 1929-1940 period in the World and try to worry about the coming period.

c.   Are you focusing on the oil prices / inflation / financial scams in the market / banking scams? 


Your focus will lead to FEELINGS. If you have focused on the above – what will be your feelings about the coming time? Will you be positive or will you be negative? You will be 100% negative and worried for your life. Am I right? 

The above was for general situations. Now, let us take a personal example.


Say there is a regular fight between a husband and a wife in a home. Their child is watching them. Now the child will develop a feeling that MARRIAGE is equal to FIGHTING. So, when he becomes an adult, he will have  negative feelings towards the marriage. 


We can take many such examples. But to conclude let us understand that FOCUS leads to FEELINGS towards that event or person. 


The most important decisions like marriage/buying a house/ doing an education or investing- may come from the FEELINGS and not from the INTELLECT. Feelings come from the FOCUS. So, if you are not aware about your FOCUS consciously – you will be making decisions unconsciously based on feelings. 


Many investors have felt that they sold their shares in the market PANIC and later on those shares moved up fast. They focused on the LOSSES and they felt PANIC when the market was coming down.


There is a pattern of FOCUS – you can focus on what you have or you can focus on what you don’t have? 90% of the time we focus on what we don’t have. Now, when we focus on what we don’t have – our feelings can’t be HAPPY. This one is the single most important reason for unhappiness in the most successful and top people. They are at the top but they are still focusing on What they don’t have? Poor people can still be forgiven for what they don’t have as they are really not having resources to meet their basic needs. Those corporates who are busy trying to reach the NUMBER ONE are inviting unhappiness and stress without any reason.

The severe problem comes in life when we start to focus on the things we don’t have and it becomes our habit. Habits are hard to change. 


Now, just change focus on what you have? You will have tons of happiness for whatever you are having. You will feel alive. You will feel grateful. You will feel excited. This happiness can only come – IF YOU FOCUS on what you have? Now, let us go to the second question. 


2.  What does this mean? 


The minute you give focus on something – you have to attach the meaning. Say a man sees a very beautiful girl – he will immediately give meaning. It could be to make a friendship or it could be a feeling of missing that he can’t reach to her. 

Say an investor loses money to start with in the equity market. If he focuses on the losses –his meaning for the stock market will be negative. Many have left the stock market because of their negative conclusion about the market. Rather than learning the right way to invest and practicing their learning from the start – they focus on quick TIPS and Derivatives trading and incur LOSSES and miss the lifetime opportunities to create long term wealth. 


What we give meaning depends on the feelings and what we feel depends on our focus. 


Now, comes the 3rd question. 


3.  What will we do about it? 


If you have focused on the negative scenarios to begin with – you have negative feelings about it and negative meanings to start with – naturally, your actions will be negative!! 

Instead, if you have focused on what you have – you will be happy. You will be grateful and you will be ready to share it with the under privileged from whatever you have. 


One of the most severe problems in today’s times is Relationships. Now, when a typical relationship starts – both the people are in the mood to give each other the best. Since they are focused on GIVING – they feel happy and excited about it. When they feel happy – they give positive meaning to their relationships. Later in the same relationship – they start to measure what they are getting and what they are giving. So, the relationship comes to the level of TRANSACTION. With the transaction – feelings of profit and loss comes. When they see more losses – the desire to run away from the relationship or desire to separate from the relationships become stronger day by day. 


There is a pattern to our actions also. What we can control and what we can’t control? When we feel we can control – we will take action to improve / learn / change and ultimately we will be happy. But if we start with the feelings that we can’t control – we will end up being frustrated / sad / angry and ultimately unhappy. 


The related factor to control is - Where do you focus most – in the past / present or future? 80% of the time people tend to focus on the past incidents in their life and they feel they can’t do anything about it. When you focus on PRESENT or FUTURE – you have the power to control the situations. So, time wise focus also plays an important role. 


What NEXT?


Answers to the above 3 questions are the base for your decisions. If you answer the above 3 questions with full awareness – you will make the right decisions automatically. 

In spiritual parlance they call it AWARENESS. My guru always says – whatever you do – do it with awareness. When you are AWARE – you can’t do wrong and when you can’t do wrong – your results are also going to be GOOD. 


Wish you all a Happy Diwali and Happy New Year in Advance.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.


Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.


Hitesh Parikh.

