India is entering into 78th Year of Birthday. What to expect?

6th August 2024


India is entering into 78th Year of Birthday. What to expect?


Dear Fellow Travellers,


Namaste! On 15th August 2024 – India will be entering 78th year of birthday post-independence. Looking at the events in our neighbourhood – I am trying to see the coming time for India. What it means for the people / share market and overall?


What are the numbers telling?


India’s birthday is 15/08/1947. So starting number total is 6 and total of the birthday is 8. 6 is a number of idealism and 8 is a number of materialism. 


So, Nehru ji started with PANCHSHEEL principles. We had tons of principles and great past heritage but lack of management and honesty to follow the principles at the top levels gave us space in the third world. 


This year the date is 15/08/2024. So, the numbers are 6/8/8. Total is 4. 4 is a number of Uranus. Uranus stands for enlightenment/ novelty/ progressivness . However, the negative sides are Rebelliousness without a cause ( see the opposition role in India now), irresponsibilities, major breakdowns. It is a good number in the hands of the leader, if he is 1 or 8. Modi ji is a 8th number. But, Currently he is heading the coalition government and the way budget is given it is indicating that lot of compromises are made in the original plan of AMRUT KAL.


So, this is the time for the Government to take the TIMELY decisions and assertive actions. Will they be able to take? I doubt. 


What do the current transit in India’s horoscope indicate?


Mars – Uranus and Jupiter are transiting from Rahu in Lagna:  -


Things are not good but thanks to Jupiter in Lagna – things looks in control. The same Jupiter will get retrograde from 9th October 2024 to 4th Feb 2025. Major pains will be faced during these times. 


For stock market lovers – the truth of GDP growth of 7% will be revealed during these time. 


Retrograde Shani in 10th house: - 


Shani is retrograde in 10th house till 15th November 2024. So, the ruling party will not be able to take much actions – in spite of the desires. 


For business and industry – tons of changes and challenges will be faced. 


Rahu in 11th house: - 


This is a winning combination till March 2025. We will be able to find out the ways – later than sooner. But as long as some actions are taken its good. 


Dasha: - 


We are in Moon Dasha and Venus anter dasha. Moon is indicating 3/4/10 and 11th house of the horoscope. Venus is indicating 1/2/3/4/6. So, overall India’s progress has happened during 2015 till now. We have made big achievement in the areas of international relationships. 


3rd house is a house of Neighbours. Moon dasha started from 2015 and ending in September 2025. If you see from 2015 onwards – Shrilanka / Nepal / Burma / Maldives and now Bangladesh are systematically crashed or converted to Pro-China. Pakistan is the original anti-Indian country along with China.  


Venus is indicating 3 and 6. 3 is for neighbours and 6 is for enemies. So, all our neighbours are converted into to enemies one after the another. 


We can expect some action from them. I don’t see the WAR till September 2025 with them. 


From September 2025 to September 2032 we have MARS dasha. Mars represents – 2/7/12. 


1.  2 is our family or Indian people. 

2.  7 is our partners.

3.  12 is our foreign partners and unexpected losses. 


From September 2025 to Feb 2026 we will be passing from MARS into MARS antar dasha. During this time we can see the WAR like situations. Till that time RELAX.


The indication of WAR will be seen from September 2025 onwards. Keep this in mind.  


Mars is also indicating that we may be forced into the WAR thanks to our partners – say we are supporting Russia and we are entering into the war just to please Russia. 


What this means for Investors?


Don’t follow the media. There were talks of Recession on Monday. Market fell like anything. In the night they came with the data that USA is not going into recession and the market went up on Tuesday morning. The USA market is up by 1% in the Tuesday Morning. 


Investing based on the NEWS CHANNELS will be dangerous for your wealth creation. 


Way back in July 2022, I wrote that Recession is not coming. In the last week I forwarded the same post and Monday night came the confirmation that USA is not going into the recession. 


Our system is extremely accurate when you are dealing with your hard earned money. 


To make our system more accurate we are taking 3 steps. 


1.  We ascertain the lucky person in your family based on the HORSCOPES of all your family members. 

2.  We ask you to invest your money on that person’s name.

3.  Take help of our accurate investment inputs.


When we mix the above three – Luck of your family member/ your money and our expertise. With these you are actually managing your destiny without worrying about the market and the war like situations. 


If you like our accuracy – take advantage of the same.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.


Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.


Hitesh Parikh.



  1. So for 2026. Delicate volatile situations in mkts political etc TNX


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