How to apply 3 Symbols of Krishna for Market Success?

26th August 2024


How to apply 3 Symbols of Krishna for Market Success?


Dear Investors,


Happy Janmashtami. Today is the birthday of the MAHA GURU Lord Krishna. I am talking about the three things used by him. These three things – if put alone – will indicate about Lord Krishna. So, I have used the word SYMBOL. We will try to see them from a Market Perspective.


1.   FLUTE: - 


If an artist just paints a Flute – you can imagine Lord Krishna. Flute and Krishna have become synonymous. 


Now, just take a moment the pain the bamboo has to go through to become a Flute. Many holes are made into it and cut in a particular way so that we can blow the air. It takes a lot of PAIN – so that the sweet melodies come out of it. 


Flute is a symbol of surrender. It takes all the pains but its melodies are dependent on the person who plays the same. It’s in a non-doing state all the time.  


For market success -we need to take all the pains of investments. We need to take the risk of losses also. When the market rewards us, we will make tons of money. 


The person who is not ready to take the pains of the market, will not make tons of money. They will go for second class investment avenues and end up living pay cheque to pay cheque mentalities. 

2.   Sudarshan Chakra: - This is also synonymous with Lord Krishna.


Chakra indicates the cycle of life and death. It indicates the cycle of teji and mandi. It indicates the killing of the demons by Lord Krishna. 


Normal investors have been BRAINWASHED since 1960 about the AVERAGE COST investing. They are asked to invest in SIP without worrying about the price!! 

Chakra says – invest in mandi and book profit in teji. 


This is the simple concept but the most educated investors are BRAINWASHED. They don’t want to wait patiently for the opportunities. Today Buffett has locked USD 270 billion in 5.5% government bonds and he is waiting for the right opportunities. He is not worried if he is not earning 20% on the stocks. He is waiting for the right price. 


Chakra is a DOING concept. You are doing something. The quality of your doing will decide the quantity of profits you are making. Those who are looking for the short cuts while doing – will end up making losses at the end or compromising the quality of life. 


3.  Peacock Feathers: - This is also synonymous with the lord Krishna.


Peacock feathers indicate colourful but simple life. Krishna had lived the most colourful life but it was always simple. When it was a custom to wear GOLD CROWN by the royals of his time – he was just wearing a Peacock Feather crown. 


Peacock feathers are the most colourful combinations. It indicates the height of lord Krishna’s colourful life. 


What is my learning?


Learning is my passion. I keep on learning from various sources. The above three are teaching me the following.


When you have taken the pains by just being a FLUTE in the hands of the NATURE / MARKET then you don’t have to take actions based on the CYCLE of LIFE and MARKET – you will automatically HIT the right BUTTON when the time comes. The end results will be that your life will be SIMPLE but the most colourful. 


Bruce Lee had said the same thing in a different manner in the movie – ENTER THE DRAGON.


A good fight should be like a small play, but played seriously. A good martial artist does not become tense, but ready. Not thinking, yet not dreaming. Ready for whatever may come. When the opponent expands, I contract. When he contracts, I expand. And when there is an opportunity, I do not hit. It hits all by itself. (Read as many times as you like).


He is also NON DOING to start with. He is allowing himself to ACT on auto mode. 


When things happen on AUTO MODE – you will become EGOLESS and you will be filled with the GRATITUDE towards the NATURE. Your gratitude will get you more and more success. This is my observation in my life and the lives of great people.


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Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.


Hitesh Parikh.



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