Prime Minister V/s. Pradhan Sevak. Pilot V/s Fighter. Investors V/s. ? ( what ?).

6th February 2024

Prime Minister V/s. Pradhan Sevak. Pilot V/s Fighter. Investors V/s. ? ( what ?).

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Jai Shree Ram! It is said what we think becomes our words and what we speak becomes our action. Action leads to habits and habits leads to character and character makes your destiny. Look at our PM. He always says I am PRADHAN SEVAK. The word itself shows he is here to serve and not to rule. But the more he serves – more people will allow him to rule. That’s why he said – ab ki baar 400 par in the parliament yesterday. 

There is a beautiful movie on BALAKOT strike – Fighter. The Hero doesn’t consider himself as a Fighter plane Pilot. He always believes that he is a FIGHTER himself. This attitude created wonders for him. 

The terminology or words we speak makes a tons of difference in the action by default. 

Normal investor when he/she comes to the market he says – I am a Trader. I am an investor. I am a long term investor. I am a positional investor. I am a delta trader. I am intraday trader. He can use any of the above or all of the above depending on the situations or the trades he takes at various points of time. 

What is the hidden meaning of the word TRADER / INVESTOR?

You will buy at X price and you will sell at X plus price and make the difference as your profit. Your hidden goal is just profit. 

The same way – investor also means that he is interested in profits only. 

When you speak the above words – you are limiting yourself with the Profits only. When you go for profits – naturally, loss will also come by default someday. 

If you are really lucky and if you have made the money on all your investments or trades ( for the sake of assumption), then rest assured the DEATH will take all your money in one shot. 

How you behave with this attitude?

You will have utilitarian attitude with the market / with the company and with the people you deal with. Those who gives profit are good and those who gives losses are bad. Since everybody can’t give you profit all the times – the good person today will become bad tomorrow and you will be in search of the other good person. So, in the end – you will have no long term partner in your success. All you will have is your money and your loneliness. This guy is poorer than the poorest person in the society.  

While chasing only profits – you will end up taking stress and your health will get affected for sure. So, the money which you made assuming you will live good quality of life after making it – will lead you to pay hospital bills or early death. 

Which word can change your outlook towards your investments and give you the great quality of life?

Investor / Trader V/s. Business Owner. 

See yourself as business owner and you will see there is a shift in your action automatically. You will be patient with your team – with the business cycle / you will have less stress as you know that you are owner of the business / you will have less insecurity for profits as you are the owner of the business / you will have long term vision by default / you will be more tax efficient. All these will lead to tons of profits by default and excellent quality of life. 

See by changing just one word – your attitude changes and it will be reflected in your health – wealth and relationships by default. 

Those who are not still clear can think on these two words – LOVER V/s. LIFE PARTNER. Things will become clear. 

Expenses V/s. Investments: - 

We have seen what to use instead of investments. Let us go back one step. We have categorised some things as EXPENSES. But in reality they are investments. You can change them to the Investments, if you want good long term benefits. 

Let us see some of the activity. 

1.   Buying a pen. 

2.   Buying a watch.

3.   Appointing an extra helper in your home or office.

4.   Appointing an investment consultant. 

5.   Arranging your home or office as per the scientific principles of Vastu. 

Just ask the people who have bought Montblanc Pen or Rolex watches. They see them as their long term investments. One of the reason why rich remains rich is the way they spend their money. They don’t buy 1000 pens of Rs.10 each. They buy one pen of Rs.10000 and they remain with them life time or generations, in some cases. 

Long back master motivator and trainer of the USA – Mr. Zig Ziglar had taught me the secret of paying the fees to the consultant or doing any expenses which leads to the improvement in the quality of life. He had told me – “Hitesh whey you pay the fees to me – you are not incurring expenses, you are enjoying the benefits of my expertise.” He changed my attitude for life time. 

Since then I have never looked back in my life. Today I guiding my clients for holistic developments in all the 5 areas for the success – Vastu – Self – Resources – Skills – Luck. Those who remain with us for 3 years and follow us in totality have seen miracles in their life. 

Change your attitude and you will have a different Altitude to fly. 

Jai Shree Ram!

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.

Hitesh Parikh.


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