The Fine Art of Destiny Management By Modi Ji to win the election.

11th February 2024


The Fine Art of Destiny Management By Modi Ji to win the election.


Dear Fellow Travellers,


Namo Narayan ! In the olden times – when the kings used to rule – there used to be two important persona in his services  – RAJ JYOTISH and RAJ VAIDYA. They were not available to the normal people. One of the  reason was – remedial measures shown by them were not affordable to masses. In the modern time J P Morgan had said Astrology is for Billionaires and not for millionaires. He was billionaire of his time and a good astrologer himself also. 


In short, listening to the astrologer (for hopes, for the futures is good, is one thing) and following his advices to deal with your challenging destiny are two different aspects. Normal people will change the Astrologer when they find what the current astrologer is saying is indigestible to them rather than changing themselves to follow him, 


What is Modi ji doing? 


He is one of the most powerful and visionary leader the world has known in the last 100 years. What Bookies can know or what Hitesh Parikh can predict – he is well aware about the same. He has also got his team of best of the experts in the various areas – including astrology. So, he is aware about his time and the challenges he might face in the elections.


He has said in 2019 and today Gujrati  news-paper also carries that line – I will do RASHTRA NITI for 4 years and RAJNITI in the 5th year. This is his RAJ NITI TIME. 


He is aware about his SWOT better than the Bookies or Astrologers. In fact, when our thinking about some issue may end – his thinking starts from that point. So, all big guys are way ahead when it comes to know about their challenges and the remedial measures to deal with the challenges. 


Let me share you a simple example – say you are walking in the Mumbai street at night between 2am to 4am. You will see that some DOGS will suddenly start barking at you and some will run after you. You can deal with this situations in two ways- Either you make the DOG RUN with stick or stones in your hand or you just run faster than the dog. Say I am staying in that area and I know about this happening in our area every time. I can predict that Dogs can bite Mr. X ( you). But when I see Mr. X is running – it means he is managing his destiny so that DOGS can’t bite him!! So, my predictions about Mr. X is right in the normal situations but when he takes actions – he is trying to change the outcome.


Just observe MODI JI’s action and you can conclude that he is knowing that winning this time is going to be tough and that’s why he has sat a very challenging target to cross 400 seats this time. When the target is challenging – he can justify his actions to the masses. But in reality he might be taking some actions to address the challenges he is foreseeing. 


He has taken following actions in the last 30 days or so.


Joining with Opponents: - 



1.   Giving BHARAT RATNA to P.V. Narsimha Rao. This is a master stroke to take entry in the TELUGU AREA independently. BJP has no direct presence over there. Moreover, this move also conveys that BJP acknowledges the contribution of all good leaders and persons who have done something for the country irrespective of their cast, creed or party. 

2.   Giving BHART RATNA to the Jat Leader - CHAUDHRI CHARAN SINGH JI. His grandson RLD leader JAYANT SINGH has said – “Centre has won the heart.” He said “There is no way I can say No to joining NDA.” So, JAT community will be with NDA.  

3.   Chandra Babu Naidu also met the Top BJP leaders in recent week as per the Media. 

4.   Jagan Mohan Ready also met the PM as per the Media.

5.   Mamta ji may walk out in case of voting post elections      (If she has some seats). Supporting from outside. 

6.   Joining hands with NITISH KUMAR in BIHAR. 


If you just look at the above steps – Modi ji is managing his destiny to win the power 3rdtime. If he was really sure of his winning – he would have care a damn for the above parties and their leaders.


He is breaking I.N.D.I.A alliances members and making them pro NDA. 



Economically sensible budget: - 


The vote on account budget was just an account and no freebees were announced or no tax rate reductions were given. Now, if the situation worsens in the coming 2-3 months before the elections – they have kept the way open to come out with some economically positive steps – pro-poor or pro-middle class announcements. 


Why this post in important?


With this post – I want to convey simple message to my readers that the way Modi ji is taking the above actions ( and many more before elections), he is aware about his challenges in terms of his personal horoscope / mood of the people in the country as a whole / role of foreign enemies to make the things worst in India during and before the elections. He is taking solid steps so that he can beat them all and come to the power again. 


What NEXT?


Whether you understand the astrology or not, whether you want to follow the same or not – just observe the situations with open mind. When you observe – you come to know the hidden truths. 


For the success in stock market also the observation of the market moves is very necessary. But the challenge is to be without BIAS!! 

Think Beyond Obvious. 

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.

Hitesh Parikh.



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