The Most Critical Issue we are facing now but nobody is talking about. Even Modi Ji is not talking about it.

16th January 2023


The Most Critical Issue we are facing now but nobody is talking about. Even Modi Ji is not talking about it. 


Dear Fellow Travellers,


Namaste! After 20 days or so we are writing our new blog. I have taken time out to focus on the World events at large, Indian Events in 2024, how the intellectuals are talking about the major problems in the World at large, and how the YouTube experts are talking about the coming time – Astrologers or other experts included. 


The most talked about themes in India are either Pro Modi or Anti Modi, Ram Mandir, War in the Western countries, India’s increasing Debt, the Stock market, and some X diseases that can spread like COVID.


The above issues may or may not affect an individual personally, but the issue that I am going to talk about is the most important to ALL – AI. It will affect all of us without fail.


Yes, Artificial Intelligence. IMF says – 40% of the Job will be affected by AI. In the developed country it will be 60%. For those who are not thinking about this seriously – there is a World Economic Forum meeting going on in DAVOS now. As per the report – the TOP 5 RICHEST people increased their NET WORTH by 100% in the last year while 500 Crore people became poorer and poorer. 


If I assume the world population to be 800 Crs – 500 Crs is more than 60% of the population. It means these people will need to be supported by their respective governments so that they can remain in power for a longer period. During the state election campaign, Modi ji had said that they are supporting 80Cr people with the FOOD SCHEMES. It means more than 50% of the Indian people are POOR officially. If you extend the logic and assume that there is a family of 4 – we have 20 Cr earning members who are not getting gainful employment in India. After 9 years of VIKAS as per BJP - 80 crores is 16% of the 500 Crs of the world population which have become poor in the last year. 


This is just the beginning. AI has not entered India in a big way yet. But it will come for sure. Top IT companies are retrenching the people as they are shifting their focus to AI. They are not aggressively employing new guys as they used to do in the past. As per one report – in the first 15 days of the year 2024 – 48 companies have sacked 7500 employees. While this figure may look small in the country of 140 crores – this is indicating the coming time. 


How we have prepared ourselves and our readers?


Before the break out of COVID on 26th January 2020 – we had written the following blog - 

What does Shani Sankranti's Horoscope indicate about the coming 30 months for the Market/Economy / World & Normal Persons at large?


In the same this was said categorically - 


House: - Saturn is in the 10th house as per the CHART. It will become violent in the area of business. It means – All old ways of working / old way of doing business will have to find new ways of working and new ways of business models. Some new businesses/technologies will come up. Established players will have a tough time in maintaining their leadership – if they are not ready to embrace the change. 


Being in the 10th house – The government will favor certain sections of the people/business and industry. 


Just look at the events of the last 3 years and you will agree – ACCURACY is our SPECIALITY. 


When SHANI changed the sign to KUMBHA Rashi on 17th January 2023 – we wrote the following post. 

On 9th January 2023 – we wrote the below-given post -  Shani Kumbha Sankranti Horoscope effect on Market & Macro level

In the same this was said –


1.   The simple meaning of this is that tons of changes will happen at all levels and those who are fast in adopting the new situations will grow like anything.


2.    How will be the overall Macro Scenario?


This is going to be one of the fastest-changing periods in the 21st century. Fast changes will happen at all levels. Speed will dominate the success. Those who take the support of technology along with the skill sets – will have an edge over the people who are not using the technology and skill sets in any area.


This period will start the far-reaching changes. Pay attention to the small and not-so-important announcements from the governments. It will have far-reaching impacts on your life.

We have written many other posts also. But the above two are most related as they are related to your Income. 

The conclusion of the above posts – Before COVID and after COVID – we had categorically said that the time is coming for NEW and FASTER technology. The same thing is happening.

What could be the possible solutions to your situation?

I may not know you personally – what you are doing and how the coming changes will affect you personally. But, I can share just 2 tips.


1.   Whatever you are doing NOW – find out how the bigger people in your areas are doing their business now? If they are adopting the new technologies fast and changing their way of doing business – you will have to change. Faster the better for you.

2.   How the overall consumer behaviour is changing? How they are shopping for their daily needs, comforts, and luxury? You need to keep a keen eye on the above and change as per your business or job to adjust to the new normal. 

Many shopkeepers are shopping for their needs online and they expect their customers to buy from their shops offline!! This is not going to last for long. Stop cheating yourself and change your business or profession or start doing something else. 

What could be the easiest solution?

This is for the SEASONED investors or really smart readers only. If you don’t want to RE-INVENT the WHEEL – just buy it from the maker and use it. You don’t want to start from scratch in the new technology – it’s okay. Just find out the companies who are doing well as per the NEW NORMAL and invest in them or buy their stocks, if the business is listed. 

How your BIRTH CHART and VAASTU can be used?

If you are not fast in adapting to the NEW NORMAL – your horoscope and your Vaastu will surely indicate the same. Take the help of a learned astrologer to guide you holistically in the above areas. 

What is my personal suggestion to you?

Leaders will come and go. War will start and stop. Natural calamities will come and go. The market will go up and down. Humans are also born and die. The cycle goes on. The problem is when you are LIVING and you are not EARNING meaningful income – you will live a life of humiliation from your near and dear, your life will become like a HELL without earning capacities. Work on the same. 

If you are facing issues in your profession and if you want our personal consultation you are most welcome. 

Wish you all a good earning in 2024 and beyond. 

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.

Hitesh Parikh.



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