Ram Mandir Mahurat - Masterstroke of MODI JI and Miracles of Applied Astrology.

20th January 2024

Ram Mandir Mahurat – Masterstroke of Modi Ji and Miracles of Applied Astrology. 

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Jayshree Ram! Ram Mandir is the reality. What as a country we could not do for 500 years or so – the determination and dedication of Modi ji has done. This is a rare moment in the history of India and I am sure the event will be remembered for centuries. I also expect that the NEW CHAPTER of India as a HINDU RASHTRA will start in the coming time. However, with all good things happening – some negativity comes automatically. 

Let us talk about the most talked about issues of RAM MANDIR MAHURAT. I am giving you the SECRET GAME PLAN of MODI JI which the most have missed. 

What are BJP side astrologers and Pro-Modi YouTube astrologers saying? 

They appreciate this Mahurat like anything. They are saying that 84 seconds which they have zeroed down between 12.29 something to 12.30 something is the best Mahurat. Some are saying this is the start of the RAM RAJYA and all good things will happen. 

If you read or listen to them – they are more emotional while predicting their reading on the above MAHURAT rather than being factual with the principles of Vaastu and Astrology. They are trying to prove that whatever  Modi Ji is doing is right!! Typical Bhakts.


What is the Anti-Modi Camp saying?

They are very categorical and factual. They are saying two points which is by the Sashtra.

1.   You can’t establish IDOL till the temple is completed in all respect. Now, how many of you have started living in your home ( if you have built it, by any chance) without it being complete as per your standards? Even those who are buying FLATS – they furnish it first before they go to stay over there. If you have not gone and stayed in the incomplete home – how can you make GOD live in his home when it is not complete? They have very solid and logical arguments against Modi Ji. 

2.   All our PANCHANGS give MAHURAT of VASTU / MARRIAGE and other auspicious occasions. None of the PANCHANG has said 22/1/2024 as the MAHURAT for VASTU. These PANCHANGs are prepared by learned astrologers and when none of them have given this day as suitable for VASTU – they all can’t be wrong. 

They are 100% right as per the rules. 

Now, comes Modi Ji’s Master Stroke and Miracles of Applied Astrology?

According to me, both the CAMPs have missed the main intentions of Modi Ji. Let us see some facts that both the camps have missed. 

1.   Hinduism has been ignored for the centuries. 

2.   Their rituals and belief systems have been mocked in Media – Movies and by Left-wing intellectuals. 

3.   There was a NEED to show an average Hindu citizen that he belongs to this great country and he has religious places to worship without fear. 

4.   There was a need to ignite unity amongst the Hindus with some common purpose. 

5.   As per our constitution we are DHARMA NIRAPEKSH country. But if you look at the past 70 years or so – some religions were given priority over Hindus to gain the VOTE by the Politicians of the past.  

So, the time to correct the above things has come. How to do it?

Miracles of the Applied Astrology? 

Let us look at the 22/1/2024, 12.30pm Ayodhya Horoscope. ( those who are interested can prepare the horoscope and compare our readings given below. We will just share observations for the normal readers).

1. Mesh Lagna is CHAR Lagna and as a rule, CHAR LAGNA is not considered good for VASTU PRAVESH.


2.  Dev Guru Brihaspati is in LAGNA and MESH – SIMHA – DHANU is considered a DHARMA TRIKON. Since the activity is related to DHARMA – DHARMA TRIKON is good. What’s more Langa Lord Mars is in the 9th house of Jupiter and it is aspected by Jupiter from Lagna. 

3.   Mars is with Venus and Mercury. Venus is the lord of 2/7 and Mercury is the Lord of 3/6. Mars is lord of 1/8. 

4.  So, 1-2-3-6-7-8-9-12 houses are coming in close contact. ( 9-12 house because Jupiter is aspecting them). 

5.   It means the RAM MANDIR is getting the support of MASSES – abundant financial support – Ayodhya turning to a Religious TRAVEL destination due to house 3-7-9.

6.   However, Jupiter goes into the 12th house in the Cuspal chart and joins RAHU. Mercury and Venus go to the 8th house. Sun comes to the 9th house and joins Mars. 

7.   The above combination indicates the hidden negative activities post-Ram Mandir event. 

8.   Rahu is in MEENA Rashi and Rahu and Ketu both are active at this time. Meena Rashi is a WATER element and it’s considered as SEA. So, Rahu will bring the EMOTIONAL TSUNAMI of RAM to India and in the World. Have you seen the leading opposition leaders doing RAM BAJANS on social media? DAVOS Economic Summit also took note of the same. RAM MANDI is the TALK of the WORLD at this point in time. 

What is Modi Ji’s Masterstroke? 

Modi ji has taken the help of APPLIED ASTROLOGY to achieve his goals. Applied astrology is the branch of astrology where the person shares his GOALS with the ASTROLOGER and asks him to find out the suitable Mahurat for the same. They are not looking for the Best Mahurat. They are looking for the BEST TIME – which can help them achieve their goals and dreams. 

With the above MAHURAT – India and the World are seeing the Tsunami of Lord RAM. Talks of Ram. Talks of RAM RAJYA. Country-wide celebrations. Being a CHAR Lagna – all are active and participative. 

Modi ji was able to establish RAM in the heart of the people before they established RAM in the Temple. When Billions of LIVING RAM are wishing good for the RAM MANDIR -  how can a MAHURAT be wrong? 

When RAM is established in the HEART of every Indian – the confidence – devotion in every citizen will take care of balancing the injustice done to the Hindus in the past in the coming times. 

Modi ji has been able to achieve his goals. 

What NEXT?

An astrologer or Investment consultant is required to think holistically. He may have to think beyond the rules and established practices of the time if he has to help his clients achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams.

With the grace of my GURU, I can do the same when it comes to finding practical solutions for my client’s Goals / Dreams in the area of investments or astrology. 

If you like my approach – you can take our input and fulfill your dreams. 

Jayshree Ram. 

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.

Hitesh Parikh.


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