What did Mr. Narayan Murthy say and what people interpreted? The same happens in markets and relationships.

24th October 2023


What did Mr. Narayan Murthy say and what people interpreted? The same happens in markets and relationships.


Dear Fellow Travellers,


Namaste! However great ideas or suggestions a great person gives to us – we understand the same based on our intellectual capacities only. So, what he said in reality and what we understand may have vast differences and many times our interpretations are out of context. This week we saw one such incident. 


In an interview – Mr. Narayan Murthy said the following -  "India's work productivity is one of the lowest in the world. Unless we improve our work productivity, unless we reduce corruption in the government at some level, because we have been reading, I don't know the truth of it unless we reduce the delays in our bureaucracy in taking this decision, we will not be able to compete with those countries that have made tremendous progress," the Infosys founder said.

"So, therefore, my request is that our youngsters must say 'This is my country. I'd like to work 70 hours a week'," he added.

Normal readers and HR professionals picked up the last line only. They did not bother to think about the increase in productivity – reducing the corruption and streamlining the bureaucracy. They just picked up the last line and started trolling him. 

What is our way of looking at the above suggestions?

Say you have 5 days working and at 70 hours it means 14 hours a day. Does this mean that you have to slog for 14 hours in the office or shop? No. 

To develop India and to make India competitive we need people who are developed. So, if you are working 8 hours typically – you need not extend your working time. You need to dedicate the balance 4 hours ( assuming 2 hours traveling per day) for SELF DEVELOPMENT. 

When I started my career – I paid lakhs of rupees to my mentor and he gave me beautiful advice. Which I still follow and recommend FREE OF COST to those who come to me for my advice. He said – read 30 pages of any books you like every day. It will take 1 hour per day. This way you will be able to read 3 books per Month and 36 books per year ( assuming 300 pages in a normal book). In a normal college, there are 6 subjects per year to study. Those guys who read 36 books extra – will be mentally 6 years ahead of the person who just studied the 6 books per year. 

This advice has done wonders for me and today when I am writing my blogs – my writing is instantaneous. 

If you interpret Mr. Murthy in the above way – I am sure you will have a better life – more income and overall progress in your career. 

How do NORMAL brains work? 

They go by the words and stick to the words. They are oblivious to the finer details. Say somebody gives them a FREE TIP to buy XYZ stock with a certain target – they will assume that stock must move up in spite of WAR / CALAMITIES and VIRUSES. 

In economics, there is a principle of – Ceteris paribus. It  is a Latin phrase that generally means "all other things being equal." In economics, it acts as a shorthand indication of the effect one economic variable has on another, provided all other variables remain the same.

This kind of investor ends up in losses and they end up blaming the FREE TIP giver. Now, to take a FREE TIP in the first place itself is the wrong idea. 

What is our way?

I have always recommended a HOLISTIC action plan when it comes to doing anything and everything. See how life progresses. 

1.   It’s difficult to reach some position in life in terms of money or power. 

2.   It’s the most difficult to remain there on the top. 

3.   But, it’s utmost difficult to GROW after you reach to top. See the FORBES list of the richest every year and you will understand.

I have found Lord KRISHNA’s advice to work on 5 factors simultaneously to be the most effective advice all the time – VASTU – YOURSELF – YOUR RESOURCES – YOUR CAPACITY TO USE YOUR RESOURCES and YOUR LUCK.

What NEXT?

We are in the most auspicious period of the year. Take our input for VASTU – LUCK ENHANCING along with the personal developments and you will see the lasting effects in the new year and for a lifetime.

I wish you all the best. 

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /  WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion and invest with Reason.


Hitesh Parikh.


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