Vikram Samvat 2080 - RAKSHASH Samvatsar. How to make money in the same?

30th October 2023

Vikram Samvat 2080 - RAKSHASH Samvatsar. How to make money in the same?

Dear Fellow Investors,

Namaste! Our post on RAHU is always SUPER HIT. It was shared on 15th September way ahead of today's RAHU movements. In the same we had categorically said that the RAHU will bring TEJI in CRYPTOS. Those who read our post knows that “ACCURACY IS OUR SPECIALITY”. We are about to START a NEW YEAR – and NEW SAMVATSAR is 2080 and it’s known as RAKSHASH Samvatsar. We are sharing the money making secrets in the coming year. If you follow the same – I assure – readers will make tons of money.

New Samvatsar starts on 13th November 2023 at 2.56pm. I have taken Mumbai time. You can prepare the horoscope, If you wish. I am just sharing the conclusions. 

RAKSHASH SAMVATSAR: - Rahu is in MEEN LAGNA. It means the effects of RAKSHASH is there from the beginning. RAHU is going to be there for 18 months so for the full year the effects of RAHU will be there for sure. RAHU is ambitious / expansion / achieving the goals by hook or crook. It has no ethical and moral standards. It doesn’t bother with the lawful or not.

Rahu is aspecting VENUS ( wealth) – so people will be prone to acquire wealth at the speed of thought without worrying about the end results. Since the want it at the speed of thought, they will become LAZY and try to find out easy ways to make money. 

Sun is in the 8th house and it’s debilated. 

Sun is making triangle with the SATURN. Sun is with the MARS – MOON. Sun is also aspected by Retrograde Jupiter. Mars and Satrun are also making triangle. 

Leaders all over the world will become RAKSHASH and they will create problems for the common people to fulfil their aspirations and goals. Since SATURN is direct – masses will come up with protests and try to control the RAKSHASH for sure. 

How to make money in the coming year? 

I am sharing the top secret to make the money in the coming year. Just understand and do the following. You will get the results. 

Venus – (wealth) is with KETU. This means those who focus on VENUS will not get the wealth as KETU will get activated. Ketu will not allow you to get the wealth or earn your targeted money. Since RAHU is in the LAGNA – people will focus on making direct money only. They all will be taken for a ride for sure. 

We suggest you focuse on KETU. Ketu is SEVA – MEDITATION – RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES – DONATIONS and giving up. Those who focus on the above activities – will activate VENUS by default. When VENUS gets activated – you will get tons of money for sure. 

Just do this much. You will bless me in the next Diwali. 

How to make your money making sure? 

If you do what everybody does – you will get what everybody gets. So, those who focus on direct money will not make money for sure. Now, those who focus on KETU – should take one more step to make their goals are reached. 


I suggest get your HOROSCOPE VERIFIED and make your home / office VASTU compliant. Your horoscope and your vastu will contribute to your personal destiny in the coming time. 

Now, you know the general trend as told above and when you mix with your personal trend – you can be reasonably sure for achievement of your results. 

What NEXT?

We have already written blogs about the 2024 in the past month. Now, take this inputs for the DIWALI 2023 to DWIALI 2024 and move ahead with confidence towards your goals. 

If you need personalised INPUTS – do approach us in the auspicious days upto DIWALI. 

I wish you all a very best 2024. 

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /  WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.


Hitesh Parikh.



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