Why BHAKTI YOGA is 12th Chapter in GITA and not the First? Your investment success is dependent on the same.

4th July 2023

Why BHAKTI YOGA is 12th Chapter in GITA and not the First? Your investment success is dependent on the same.

Dear Fellow Investors,

Namaste! Our last post on the rise of GURU POWER was well-read by all the readers and they have appreciated our way of explanation. Many have approached us for personal guidance for the coming period. Thanks a ton for the same. Today I am sharing the SECRET of the SECRET on GITA. Very few learned people will be able to share the same with you. 

Gita Chapter 1 to 9: - 

If you read GITA from CHAPTER 1 to 9 – they are dealing with one or the other logical concept. GYAN YOG / KARMA YOG / SANYAS YOG. The most famous yoga for normal people is KARMA YOGA. Now, it's logically easy to understand that if you do good karma – you will get good results and vice versa. In the same way, all other CHAPTERS can be explained logically and like ARJUNA – we will also agree with the Lord KRISHNA on the same. 

But then Lord Krishna started the 10th chapter – VIBHUTI YOGA. He says – I am the SURYA. I am HIMACHALA. I am the MERU. I am the KAPIL MUNI. This is the shock for the logical mind of ARJUNA. He was assuming that he was talking with his FRIEND. But now the element of FRIENDSHIP is getting away and the element of SHOCK is coming. 

To give more shock to ARJUNA – he shared VISHVARUP DARSHAN in chapter 11. Now, the FRIEND is the UNIVERSE and ARJUNA could see each and everything in the giant SWAROOP of lord KRISHNA. 

In short, what started with logic has turned into surprise and shock. He had to accept that KRISHNA is not his friend but the universe in himself. He had to leave his logical mind and accept that the realities can be beyond logic also. In short, when he was ready to leave the logic BHAKTI can be started. So, the chapter on BHAKTI was kept at 12th place. 

How BHAKTI and the Market's success are related? 

When an investor starts his journey – he may either start with a TECHNICAL study or Fundamental Study. Most will start with FREE MEDIA recommendations. As he grows – he develops his own concepts for investing and trading. He has some set rules for both. He follows the same. Many times he boasts about his system and his reading that he is going 100% correct. 

Now, the market will throw a GOOGLI. His system/ his reading will go for a toss. Some situations like COVID in March 2020 will come and the market will touch the lower circuit. He can’t explain this behaviour. When he accepts the negativity of the market and starts selling – from MAY 2020 market starts moving up!! His logical thought processes are taken for a ride. 

The height comes when the research houses come with 5-10 years projections with various methods and they give XYZ targets. They are so logical and so fanatic about their logic that they are ready to fight with the person who is opposing their calculations. They do this calculation based on their meetings with the management of the company and other involved parties. They believe their logic works. Then the surprise comes that the BALANCE SHEET on whose basis they were sharing their calculations was 100% fudged. 

When an investor passes through such experiences – he is ready to think beyond logic. He starts thinking about surrendering to the market mood. When he surrenders to the market – the market opens his top secret with him which he was not able to understand by being logical. 

What NEXT?

It is always better to start anything with logic and follow it. Over a period of time, you will realize that there are things that are beyond logic and that require your surrender. 

This is applicable in investments / life and all other areas you may think of. 

Go beyond obvious and life will be more smooth. 

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.

Hitesh Parikh.


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