Can you Analyse Number 1? If yes, you are the best analyst.


28th April 2021

Can you Analyse Number 1? If yes, you are the best analyst.

Dear Fellow Travelers,

Namaste! Today, I am talking about improving my analytical skill sets. Whatever you might be doing for a living – you will have to deal with various issues – family, business, job, social, and tons of other issues from time to time. If you are an investor, businessman, or consultant in any area, having good analytical skills is a prerequisite. Today I will deal with this in my own style.

How we learn Analysis from day one?

Observe the child – if he is hungry – will point his finger to the stomach and say this is hungry. He will recognize his mother, father, and other relatives first before talking about “I” i.e. him. If he sees the image in the mirror, he will say somebody is there inside the mirror.

The point is, we start with Others first from the day we are born. So, to think about others, learn from others, comment on others, follow others, getting influenced by others is easy and the same thing is happening.

Thanks to our social system, as we grow up, we are given a lot of Do’s and Don’t in the name of Samskara, Religious beliefs, and social customs and traditions.

So, to think independently is a challenge, particularly, for all Indian populations.  Many lives are wasted in the name of society and other considerations.

Can you analyse Number 2, 3, or any number?

I am sure you can. For 2, you will say 1+1. For 3 you will say 2+1 or 1+1+1. You can reply like this for N numbers. But, if I ask to explain number 1, you will not be able to do it.

If you consciously see in number 2 or any other number its additions or multiplications of number 1 only.

So, if you really want to be successful in analysis – you must know what is Number 1.

What is Number 1?  -

You are the number 1 in any situation. The more you know about yourself, the more you will know about 2, 3, 4 and other people or numbers. Because, ultimately, all are number 1 on their individual scale. So, when you know your number 1, you can pick up their number 1 easily.

Since my field is investing and astrology, I am sharing a way to understand how to use number one while Investing and Applying Astrology.

How to use Number 1 while investing?

Most guys are full with the knowledge about Company, Management, products, economy and you name it and they are like GOOGLE. They have all the figures on their tips of the tongue. Many times, this adds to their EGO. Thanks to their Ego, their judgment fails them terribly at the most important moment of their investment decision. All your knowledge of others is like Number 2 – 3 -4 and things like that.

The ideal way according to my GURU is to go deep down in yourself to find out your innermost intentions, your fear, your greed, your jealousy, and other feelings before investing. Ultimately, you are your thoughts or your feelings only. So, when you go to the market with a thought of Short Cut, Easy and Fast Money Making, Cheating – you will find that other guys are also operating with those feelings. When all are thinking in the same way, making big money is not possible.

Thanks to this Knowledge, Buffett has given his MANTRA – “Buy when other’s sell and Sell when other’s buy.”

The most important Chart for Astrologers: -

The most important Number 1 for any astrologer is his own chart. The more he knows about his chart, more he becomes expert for his clients.

So, if you are an astrologer, start looking at your chart daily.

How to know Yourself in a Better Way?

There are as many ways to know yourself as there are persons on this Earth to know your number 1. I suggest 4 sure-shot ways to know.

1.   Your Mother. She knows you better than anybody else in this World. So, ask her.

2.   Your Life Partner. If you are married for 5 years and above, your life partner can give you the correct feedback about you, provided your Ego allows it to happen.

3.   Your GURU. This is the most reliable source as far as professional guidance is concerned. Your mother and your life partner may know you better but they may not be able to guide you on how to use the same in practical life. The challenge is to have a GURU for a longer period of time so he knows you thoroughly and be in his touch as far as possible. In the current time, you can call them Coaches, Mentors, or Consultants also.

4.   Your Horoscope. This is one of the easiest and the most authenticate way to know all about you instantly, provided it is done with an intention of transforming your current life.

I have always found above 4 to be the most reliable. However, you can add more as per your choice.

What NEXT?

In Sanskrit, there is a beautiful sentence – “PINDE TO BRAHMANDE”. (What’s in the body is in the Universe). So, your success depends on how well you know yourself rather than what you know about others.

If you like our approach and track record, you can take advantage of our skill sets in the area of investments and astrology.

Have a Happy Life.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


  1. TNX but thetrecally on papers it all looks good but in practice knowing self throughly is difficult for most of the ppl Okay Guru best options but now a days tht too also little difficult & risky too


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