“I don’t Believe in Astrology.” What about you?

 24th April 2021

“I don’t Believe in Astrology.” What about you?

Dear Fellow Travelers,

Namaste! Our last 5 posts were written to prepare the readers for the coming time. Reading the posts, I keep on receiving feedback. The most usual response when the coming situations are negative is – “We don’t believe in astrology. We believe in God and God will take care of us.” Or “Whatever is written in our destiny will happen”.

I don’t have any problem with your GOD or your DESTINY or your attitude towards Astrology. I have a problem with the word BELIEF. I hate this word when it comes to dealing with my present problems or working on my future growth strategies.

The way CORONA NEGATIVE report is Positive, the same way Belief Positive attitude is Negative: -

Those who say they believe in GOD or those who say they don’t believe in GOD – both are LAZY and LIERS. They don’t want to take the pain to find out the TRUTH – so they go on accepting their family or society traditions and live their life.

When a person says he believes or do not believe in something or somebody or some concept – it only means that HE DOES NOT KNOW THE TRUTH.

KNOWING is the biggest ANTIDOT against any kind of belief a person may or may not be having.

How to know?

To know in any area has just 4 steps.

Doubt: - this is the 1st step. Doubt whatever you have been told by so-called BELIEF following people around you. Doubt whatever you believe that you know. Doubt all the information given to you. If you don’t do this step HONESTLY, you will end up doubting in the END. I have seen people ask about the character report of the girl or boy after the marriage takes place. They did not have the guts to ask upfront questions or to inquire in the details before a marriage takes place.

Explore: - Most people when they have doubt, stop going further in that direction. In fact, this is the time to go further and explore with an open mind and with the right kind of people.

Experiment: - Whatever you have explored, do experiments of the same. When you experiment – you will come to know the origin of your doubts. You will see the real picture from the inside. You will come to know the hidden agendas and other secret things which you didn’t know when you started.

Experience: - Your experiments will give you the experience and your experience is nothing but KNOWLEDGE in the real sense. Now, you have gained the Knowledge. Will you believe in anything now or you know about that thing now? I am sure NOW you will not believe but you KNOW.

The problem with the NORMAL People who go to the astrologer: -

Normal people go to an astrologer in the two cases only. When he is in a problem or out of curiosity. When he is in a problem – he wants some quick-fix solutions to deal with his problem. If the problem is solved then the astrology and the astrologer both are good and reliable. If the problem is not solved – astrology is useless and astrologer looted them. This kind of people does not go very far in their life. They have very narrow minds.

The casual inquirers are the time-wasters. They have no problem at present moment but just for FUN or out of curiosity they go to an astrologer and inquire about their future. Their favourite questions are – How is my future? How will be my wife or husband and some casual questions like this? Since they are casual, they also don’t have the patience and mental attitude to KNOW. They also believe.

How smartest of the smart people use astrology?

There is a very famous sentence registered in the name of J P MORGAN – “Astrology is for Billionaires and not for Millionaires.”

In my 25 years of practice, I have found this statement to be 100% true.

Top guys have the money to explore, experiment and patience to wait till the results come. They have a business and other interest which runs into billions and to protect that if they have to spend millions – they are more than willing to spend and experiment.

Moreover, TOP guys are not interested in PAST or FUTURE. They are interested in their PRESENT. Belief always has a past connection. Say I believe in so and so god because my family is following this God for generations.

KNOWLEDGE cuts you from the PAST. It brings you to the present moment. Top guys know that when they have controlled the present moments, all their future moments will be better by default. E.g. If you have bought Rs.100 worth of share at Rs.30 today, will you worry about the market price in the future?

Top guys feel optimistic for their future when they have taken proper actions in the present moment. Normal guys feel happy in the present moment when the astrologer predicts that their coming time is good. So, top guys always remain in control of their situations while the normal guy is always running from astrologer to astrologer.

How to use this for personal success?

Follow the 4 steps of Doubt /Explore /Experiment and Experience while approaching astrology. Vivekananda had said – “ARISE, AWAKE and STOP NOT till your goals are REACHED”. I want to make little changes to this – ARISE, AWAKE, EXPERIMENT, and STOP NOT till you know you control your present issues.

Once you KNOW the present situations – you will find out the way to come out automatically. You will not need any MBA degree or Ph.D. for that.

How to use this for INVESTMENT SUCCESS?

People with BEIEF buys stocks and when the stocks crash by Rs.5-10, they start to panic. Now they doubt the company, the promoters, and their broker who gave them the tip.

Buffett and Rakesh kind of investor doesn’t believe in anything. They study the company in detail. They meet the management and they collect the various data painstakingly before coming to a conclusion to invest or not to invest. So, they KNOW about the company and they don’t have belief in the company. So, when the prices go down, they don’t panic. They buy more and more shares of that company.  

Now, a reader may say – "It makes sense with what you say. But I am a NORMAL person and I don’t have the resources to follow what you say."

I have good news to share with you. Every Rich person you see today was poor yesterday or his family was poor. They took one small step towards progress and their generations are making tons of money today. Look at Late Dhirubhai to Mukesh to Akash to Prithvi Ambani. It was out of a box action of Dhirubhai that Prithvi is staying in Rs.10000 Crs house from day one.

The way to the top is filled with a lot of pains, failures, frustrations. If you don’t agree consciously to face them, unconsciously you are deciding to live your life based on belief.

So, take one small step towards KNOWLEDGE today. Come out of your BELIEF dependent life.

What NEXT?

I don’t believe in ASTROLOGY because I KNOW it’s a science. I have given my 35 years to explore and experiment with that science. I had gone through my cycle of pains, failures, and frustrations in the initial stages. Today whatever, I am saying is coming out of my EXPERIENCE and not from BOOK or Belief.

If you are ready to explore your present, you are welcome to contact me.

Wish you all the best.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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