How do you see Market – as a Time / as Space or as a Spacetime?

6th March 2021

How do you see Market – as a Time / as Space or as a Spacetime?

Dear Fellow Travelers,

Namaste! They say “Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.” When it comes to the market – this is the most visible phenomenon. A single company can be a buy for somebody and can be a sell for somebody at the same time. In fact, if they don’t think that way – the transaction will not be possible. Let us explore this phenomenon from Albert Einstein’s perspective. Einstein was the first person in Modern Science to talk about SPACETIME together.

The market as a Time: -

1.   What will be my yearly return, if I invest in XYZ Ltd?

2.   How much time it will take to double from here?

3.   I want to earn x amount in this year – give me some idea.

4.   How old are you?

5.   What is the average death age in India?

6.   What is your monthly income? What is your yearly income?

7.   How much I will need to sustain myself when I retire?

8.   How much time it takes to reach to Railway Station or Airport from this place?

9.   Did you witness the murder/accident or some event?

The common link in all of the above questions is TIME. Time is the most important element in the above questions. If the factor of time is removed – all the above questions can’t be answered.

When the factor of time comes – Ego comes. A person wants to do something / achieve something or prove something. This leads to STRESS in doing and in relationships.

If you go to a Religious system – Jainism and Buddhism is known as SHRMAN Sanskriti. They believe in Doing (SHRAM – Work).

The market as Space: -

Most of us would not have gone to Moon so far, but I am sure most would have traveled by Air at some point of time in their life. Now, from 35000 ft above the ground level – you see the down from the window – you will not be able to separate India from Pakistan / Mumbai from Pune / Your society from the next society / Your Temple with the other Temple and things like that.

When you see the Market from SPACE – you will see the market as an ECONOMIC performance. It may happen that in COVID times economic activities shifted to online people / medical areas and they contributed to the economy. In normal times – brick and mortar shops were contributing.

The market as space will even out the winners and losers in totality. Some sectors move up in the market and others takes rest. Then those did not move in the last time – start moving now.  The market as space has nothing to do with the company/sectors or the index.

The market as a SPACETIME: -

Einstein proved that Space and Time are two dimensions of the same thing. Seasoned investors like Buffett have picked up this concept beautifully. He takes out time to study the company in detail. He does all the efforts before he invests. Once he invests – he leaves the company to the market (space). This is the reason he could say that he is okay if the market closes for 10 years after his purchase.

Last week – NSE was closed due to technical issues and social media was full of panic. They were forwarding the above Buffett quote without realizing that Buffett was not in a panic when he said that.  

In India the concept of DIGKAAL – (Dig means Direction or space and Kaal means time) - is thousands of years old. In fact, in GITA Krishna also advised Arjun that you do your KARMA and LEAVE the results to the Existence. This is the combination of SPACETIME.

How to apply this in Investments?

Normal investor talks about the rate of return / fast return / sure shot calls and things like that. They are operating from a TIME–Ego perspective. They want to beat the market!!

As long as they are focused on beating the market or making an only profit – they will miss the holistic aspect of SPACETIME.

When you are too focused-on time – you miss the SPACE. Have you seen – while you are in traffic and you want to reach to someplace at a particular time – you are in STRESS and you end up being late or on time exhausted? What’s more – you miss the scenery on the roadside.

Many persons who have single-minded focused on earning money in their life – they miss their family life. In old age, they feel aloof and lonely with tons of money in their banks.

How to balance SPACE and TIME in your life?

In Gita Chapter 18, slok 13-14, Lord Krishna has given the secret to balance Spacetime by balancing the following 5 factors. I have seen miraculous results in my life and my client’s life – who followed on all the areas with an attitude of CANi – Continuous and Never-Ending Improvements.

1.   Vastu  - your home/office / your outer space

2.   You – your ego and your inner space.

3.   Your resources and skillsets.

4.   Your abilities to use your resources.

5.   Your Fate

Whether you like or not, whether you believe or not, until and unless all the above factors are in balance in your life – you will not have your PEAK EXPERIENCE.

If you have not got the glimpses of PEAK EXPERIENCE yet, I suggest working on the above areas with a holistic approach. If you need our insights to support you in the whole process – let us know.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh and join me on WhatsApp on +91 986 942 5399.


Live With Passion…. Invest With Passion.



Hitesh Parikh



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