How come I have Losses when I wanted Profits in Investments and Trading?
16th October 2019
How come I have Losses when I wanted Profits in Investments and Trading?
Dear Fellow Travellers,
Greetings from Hitesh! After reading our post on YUDHISTHIR, yesterday, a reader has asked me “Yudhisthir finally got GITA, though, from BHISHMA, I am not getting Profit, in spite of trying hard, Why?”
Our education system, our social fiber, our religious PREACHERS all tell us about doing, doing in a better way or doing in the best way. You would have often heard the phrase – “I will do my best”. Doing mindset guys have missed my yesterday’s post. Now, I will deal with the SCIENCE of DOING MINDSET and why they fail.
Let me share a common example before I go to science.
Say you are learning a Bicycle. You have just got a grip and you are cycling it. Now, you see a LAMP post on the side of the road. You can’t hit it if you keep on cycling on the road. You also know it. But your mind catches the idea that you should not Hit the pole. More you think about not hitting the POLE, the more your cycle gets towards that pole. Before you can do anything – you end up hitting the pole and fell on the ground. You might have got hurt also.
Now, the ROAD was wider / empty with no traffic / you were also sure about not hitting the POLE, but you ended up hitting the pole. I am sure you would have got this experience sometime or the other in your life.
It’s like you have been given a SURE SHOT call for buying an ABC company share. You were also sure about the fundamentals, technical and management. Still, you suffered losses. Why?
How NATURAL Laws work?
Nature is full of PARADOX and that’s why it exists. The FRENCH Psychologist Mr.E’mile Coue’ had found out the natural laws for this PARADOX.
To state the gist of the reverse effect simply: the harder one consciously tries to do something, the more difficult it is to succeed. Indeed, just the word “try” implies that you aren’t going to make it. You can try forever and still not get off the ground. Of course, this seems to go against everything that is logical, for surely the harder we try the more we should gain, not lose. We can make gains from hard work once we’re in motion, but the law of reverse effect creates resistance to get us moving in the first place.
When we “try,” we gather our energy and push. Often, that energy seems to bump up against some cosmic wall and boomerang right back to us. All this serves to do is push us back the way we came. It’s like the old cliché: the dance of life is two steps forward and one step back.
Still, all struggle is born from “trying” hard. The harder you try, the harder it gets. If someone tells you they will try, 99 percent of the time they won’t make it. Take, for instance, a habit you want to create—a new diet or exercise program. How easy is it to follow? For most of us, it’s only a matter of time before we give in and eat more than we were eating before we decided to diet. It becomes too hard to hold out against food cravings that hit us hot and heavy. It’s a similar scenario with trying to stop smoking. What happens? The struggle gets bigger; cravings become unbearable. Addiction is a strong energy in motion. Try to stop its motion and it will boomerang back at you with the full power of its forward motion—in reverse.
He called his Law as a LAW of REVERSE Effect.
How does this affect Investors?
He tries hard to make a PROFIT. He tries hard to save himself from LOSSES. Thanks to the above LAW, he ends up taking losses at the end.
The pressure of DOING -takes a toll on your performance and results. End results, if at all profit, you will not be able to enjoy good health.
Does it mean – that all those who are talking about DOING are WRONG?
The whole MBA is based on MANAGEMENT BY OBJECTIVE. It says decide objective/goals and plan it and go towards it. Is MANAGEMENT WRONG?
Let me share Buddha’s experience. He went to a number of GURUs and did not get anything. Then he started in his own way. He did not get anything. One day he was so much FRUSTRATED – that he decided to stop DOING anything and just sit. He sat under the BODHY TREE and that night only he got the TRUTH. So, when he stopped DOING, he got it.
Mahavir also started with Doing. At the last, he said – surrender your EGO. When you surrender your EGO – you leave your DOING MIND. He got his truth like this.
When JESUS was hanged and people were hitting NAIL in his palm – at one he got the thought – hey GOD why you are doing this to me? But he was a person of FULL AWARENESS – immediately he said – let your desire be fulfilled. This is also the example of SURRENDER.
So, doing with the feeling of surrender is the key. That’s why KRISHNA said – “your right is in doing only. Results will be given by NATURE”.
So, what management is telling is HALF TRUTH or make you MAD at doing. This madness leads to OBSESSION for results and this leads to HYPERTENSION / FRUSTRATION and you end up paying to PSYCHOLOGISTS /DOCTORS.
What it means for TRADERS / INVESTORS?
Learn investments/practice its principles and do whatever you feel like doing in the process of investing. Use best technology / best advisor but after you do investments – give the market a chance to reciprocate. Don’t be obsessed with Profit.
Without fail, the Market will reward your efforts and your true inner thoughts.
This is an investment with AWARENESS.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.
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