Read Your PALM Yourself and Decide About Your Investment Success – Our Diwali Gift to our readers
10th October 2019
Read Your PALM Yourself and Decide About Your Investment Success – Our Diwali Gift to our readers
Dear Fellow Travellers,
Greetings from Hitesh! Everybody wants success and they try various ways to work towards their goals/dreams or what they believe as their success. The goal of this post is to make you aware of your own personality / your own hidden ingredients of success so that you can use them towards your goal.
I am writing this to guide you about your investment success. You can use the same for other areas but you may need a little bit of modification in the principles. You can take our help; in case you can’t do it yourself.
See the NORMAL PALM PICTURE given below. To make it easy for a reader – we are going to discuss just 4 lines as marked in the palm.
Line No.1: -
This is known as LIFELINE. LIFELINE talks about your own LIFE and your own interpretation of your life / your own experiences. Whatever is your belief about your life is indicated by the inner area your lifeline covers.
Lifeline divides the palm into two. The part towards Thumb and the part towards fingers.
The part towards THUMB forms your INNER WORLD – It has 3 parts - The Mount of VENUS / THUMB and Upper part is known as Good MARS.
Thumb has two parts – the upper part is WILL POWER; the lower part is LOGIC. Good Mars makes it possible to take a calculated risk. So, good Thumb with will power and logic area with Risk-taking ability – will make you a good investor.
The mount of Venus indicates your capacity to experience HAPPINESS from all the sources. Thumb and VENUS indicate your own experience about the WORLD in general and your life in particular. Whether you have a loss or profit, good Venus will make you feel happy in all the conditions.
This area is a PART of your inner world. Your inner fire to success / your ambitions / your guts and your dreams / your imaginations all are indicated by this area.
LINE 2: -
It is known as FATE LINE. Normally, it starts from the bottom of the palm and goes towards the 2nd finger – the finger of SATURN. Normally the line ends on the mount of Saturn. In that way, it divides the Mount of SATURN.
Now, this line again makes two parts of the palm. Inner areas include MOUNT of JUPITER + area indicated by line number 1.
Jupiter stands for your own Wisdom and Ambition + Mars for GUTS and EGO + area of lifeline indicates your own inner personality. WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT YOURSELF can be understood by studying these areas. In this way, the line of FATE can also be known as a line of PERSONALITY, as it defines your own personality. These areas decide whether you have a HEALTHY SELF IMAGE or not.
The outer part of the FATE line is your OUTSIDE IMAGE. It indicates your social image. This part decides whether you are BIGGER or your IMAGE is BIGGER.
In short, it talks about your personality for you (inner part) and for outsiders (outer part). Better personality means better money, so that way it is a FATE LINE.
This indicates your NETWORKING capacities. Good NETWORKING leads to easy success as far as you are in INDIA.
Line 3: -
It is known as a HEADLINE. It starts from MARS between lifeline and mount of Jupiter and may go straight to lower mars or may end on Mount of the moon.
This line divides the hand into two parts – lower parts and upper parts. On lower parts, we have MOON and VENUS and on the upper part, we have MERCURY / SUN, SATURN, and JUPITER. The members of the upper part are the producers as they produce and the members on the lower part are the consumers as they consume.
If the lower part is bulging and well developed compared to the upper part – the guy will enjoy life by doing DEBT also. Normally, such guys have a lot of DEBTS. Many times, they carry a life of tension due to their consuming habits or larger than life look. Look at the palm of VIJAY MALAYA and you can observe this pattern. GURMIT RAM RAHIM also had this trait. So, for his overindulging attitude, he is in JAIL now.
If this line is straight you will have guts with lot of clarity. This combination is very useful for TRADERS. If you are having this line – you have more chances of super success along with point number 1 line.
If it ends on Mount of MOON, you will consume in your imagination, kind of daydreaming. This is a big setback to your ACTION as you remain in imagination only. Most guys who take a lot of time in taking actions / waiting for the right moment/act only under compulsions will have the line ending on the MOON.
In this way, the line of MARS is an ACTION LINE. It shows the action you will take to fulfill your desires.
Line 4: -
It is known as the HEART LINE. This is your REACTION LINE. How will you react in any given situation that can be seen from this line?
The way you react in crises can be seen from the 4 mounts above your heart line – Mount of MERCURY (Intelligence)/ SUN (Vision)/ SATURN (Managerial skills) and JUPITER (Wisdom). HEART LINE will take inputs from the above planet and now, the MARS line (line number 3) will decide how will you act.
If the upper 4 mounts are well developed – you will have better inputs to deal with any situations or panic situations. These kinds of guys come out of LOSSES very fast. These kinds of guys are the guys who buy in the panic and who make the most when the market changes positively. I have studied the palm of RAKESH and BUFFETT through their pictures and they happen to show the above trait perfectly.
If your heart line is ending on SATURN – normally, people around you will see you as a SELFISH guy. If it ends on JUPITER – you will be known as a GIVER / CHARITABLE guy.
How to combine all the lines for meaningful conclusions?
It is said – what you think deep down will decide your destiny. So, number 1 decides your inner aspirations / 2 adds your execution power with attitude and wisdom / 3 adds your action plan and 4th is your reaction area post action.
So, each success journey starts from INSIDE to OUTSIDE.
This Diwali takeout time to study your palm based on the above 4 lines and I am sure you will have at least 60% idea about your inner mind / your hidden success ingredients.
I wish you all a very HAPPY DIWALI in ADVANCE. If you need personalized help, please contact me.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.
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