How do we see 2nd half of 2019-2020 based on SUN INGRESS CHART of TULA RASHI?

6th September 2019

How do we see 2nd half of 2019-2020 based on SUN INGRESS CHART of TULA RASHI?

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Greetings from Hitesh! In the last two posts, we dealt with the fundamental perspective of market for investing. The conclusion of the last two posts was simple – invest, invest and invest. Today we are talking up the ASTROLOGICAL study to see what it says about the coming 6 months.

Our last post based on SUN INGRESS CHART of MARCH has come 100% true in all the aspects. If you have missed, you can read the same on our blog.

Now, the chart.

Sun enters Tula Rashi on 1.03am on 18th October 2019, FRIDAY.

Kark Lagna: -

In March horoscope also Kark Lagna was rising. This time also Karka Lagna is rising and the Lagna lord is sitting in 11th house – making a trine with MARS. The government will take action with GUTS and SPEED. Like last year – the trend of fast action will continue. Those who are on the wrong side of the law – be careful. They will not be spared.

Moon is VARGOTAMMI and it makes the chart very strong. What’s more, the MOON is aspected by Jupiter. So, India and the Indian Government will have ample opportunities for PROGRESS in all areas.

The above placement of the MOON is making the horoscope positive 90%. If other stars are not good then also, I am not worried. But the MOON is supported by VENUS.

Venus: -

Lord of 4th house – consider the house of comfort/happiness is sitting there and making a most auspicious MALAVYA YOG. Importance of VENUS gets multiplied as 18th October is a FRIDAY.

Now, what I am writing – many will find it difficult to believe. But time will prove me right.

Thanks to this yog – India and Indian people will be able to enjoy the comforts/luxury of life as if there is no tomorrow. All Luxury things will see TEJI. Those who are talking about MANDI / RECESSION will go for a toss. I see a system full of liquidity during that time.

Border Related Issues: -

Lord of 12th, Mercury is sitting in 4th aspected by RAHU will continue border-related issues. But since the LANGA is very powerful, we will be able to deal with those issues.

November end to  December end will see some kind of warlike events or some bad events or fire like events. But as said – the government will be able to deal with them effectively.  

If you read my post of MARCH – in which I talked about the FULL YEAR 2019-2020, the one thing which is the most positive is the powerful government in that horoscope and this is supported by half-year horoscope also. As long as the Government is powerful, we are taken care of.

Share Market: -

I have been maintaining that this is the right time to buy. The chart is confirming the same this time also. Now it is up to you to take action or not to take action.

How to use this information?

This is a prediction of market and India based on SUNINGRESS CHART method for 6 months from 18th October 2019 to 18th April 2020. It shows a good period. But does it mean that if you go and buy anything – you will make a profit? NO.

The right way is to combine this information with your own horoscope. If there is NO SCOPE in your HOROSCOPE for earning a windfall, you will be left high and dry.

Along with Horoscope, you must have the right kind of skill sets for investing and the most important factor is clarity of your purpose for investing. 90% of the guys are not clear about their purpose only. So, they are taken for a ride by Media guys.

If you combine all of the above – there is no stopping you from making tons of money.

What NEXT?

We provide 100% free guidance to all our clients. So, when you join us – you get the best of the skill sets in terms of our timely investment advice combined with your horoscope potential. In fact, we go one step ahead in studying all eligible members horoscope for investing in a family and help them chose the best one among the available.

If you like the quality of our calls and advance trend sharing for the market – you can join us. I assure you, you will bless me.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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