32 Deadly Reasons Normal Investor gave for not investing in the last 30 years and now they are struggling for money

5th September 2019

32 Deadly Reasons Normal Investor gave for not investing in the last 30 years and now they are struggling for money

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Greetings from Hitesh! Our last post – The Most Important Factor in Favour of INVESTING at this moment – know it and make tons of money – has been able to catch the attention of many readers and they liked it very much. One of my regular reader and friend from Kolkata Mr. Ramakant had made a list of events since 1988 to prove our point in his own style. Today is a TEACHER’s Day and I bow down to the teacher in my readers and present this list of events.

How we see the events when it happens?

When any drastically positive or negative events happen in our life/market or country – we get overwhelmed by it and our thinking capacities get affected. We operate from EMOTIONS. Each of us has this trait. Let me share the list and you can go back to that period of your life and see what you did?

1.     1988 - Fear of Recession.

2.     1989 - Junk Bond collapse.

3.     1990 - Gulf War, the worst market decline in 16 years.

4.     1991 - Recession - "Market too high"

5.     1992 - Elections, market flat.

6.     1993 - Businesses continue restructuring.

7.     1994 - Interest rates are going up.

8.     1995 - The market is too high.

9.     1996 - Fear of Inflation.

10.  1997 - Irrational Exuberance.

11.  1998 - Asia Crisis.

12.  1999 - Y2K.

13.  2000 - Technology Correction.

14.  2001 - Recession, World Trade Center Attack.

15.  2002 - Corporate Accounting Scandals.

16.  2003 - War in Iraq.

17.  2004 - U.S. has massive trade & budget deficits.

18.  2005 - Record oil & gas prices.

19.  2006 - Housing bubble bursts.

20.  2007 - Sub-prime mortgage crisis.

21.  2008 - Banking & Credit crisis.

22.  2009 - Recession - "Credit Crunch"

23.  2010 - Sovereign debt crisis.

24.  2011 - Eurozone crisis.

25.  2012 - U.S. fiscal cliff.

26.  2013 - Federal Reserve to "taper" stimulus.

27.  2014 - Oil prices plunge.

28.  2015 - Chinese stock market sell-off.

29.  2016 - Brexit, U.S. presidential election.

30.  2017 - Stocks at record highs, Bitcoin mania.

31.  2018 - Trade Wars, rising interest rates.

32.  2019 - India GDP at 5 %

I am sure as you go through the list – you would see that some or the other point of time – listening to MEDIA at that time – you might have decided not to invest.

What happened to MARKET since 1988 to 2019?

Sensex was around 400 and it made high of 40000 now. 100 times growth in the last 30 years!! In spite of so many scandals / economic issues – our market has moved up, up and up only.

What was the ADVICE given by our great RISHIS at the time of marriage?

They blessed the newly married wife with a peculiar boon. They used to say – “be the mother of 10 sons and let your husband become your 11th son.”

This was the most respected boon to the wife. It says you enjoy your MATRIMONIAL BLISS with deep passion. Have 10 kids. But let that turn into CELIBACY at the end and your husband should be able to see MOTHER in you and you should see a child in your Husband.

When a person starts investing – he needs money for various purpose in his life – Education/marriage/home/foreign travel /medical emergency and things like that. But once they are over – the spare money is mostly passed on to the next generation or donated. Though donation is yet to catch up in India as they have caught up in the USA.

The point is – you are investing your 100% spare money. Why the HELL you are after share prices day in and day out? It is not going to change anything except your frustration or temporary happiness.

Knowing this Why NORMAL investor gets panicked?

Let us see a person is having an extramarital affair. The goal for him/her would be to enjoy SEX as soon as possible with another party. This kind of people meets with this objective only in the name of LOVE. They have a sense of PANIC as they are doing something WRONG. They have a SENSE of URGENCY as they may miss that person. With the SPOUSE – you don’t feel that PANIC or URGENCY as you know that SPOUSE is always available.

Normal investor also has an affair with the market. It is purely GREED to accumulate as much money as possible in shorted possible time and he calls his GREED with a beautiful name of INVESTMENTS. Like multiple affairs, this guy comes to the market and goes out of the market. Many times, he gets the pleasure of screwing but most of the time he leaves the market getting screwed.

You can’t cheat MARKET!! The market is the most intelligent phenomenon. It knows who is a SERIOUS investor and who is a GREEDY guy.

The bottom line is to know your INTENTIONS properly before entering the market.

What NEXT?

I have shared the list of 32 events above. These kinds of events will come and go. If you want to get married to the market – this is the best time. But if you are looking for an affair – no time is good for you.

Make your choice. If you really want to make big money – now is the time and HITESH PARIKH is ready to help you. Please contact him.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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