What kind of event can be expected In Jammu and Kashmir?
4th August 2019
What kind of event can be expected In Jammu and Kashmir?
Dear Fellow Travellers,
Greetings from Hitesh! There are various news coming about suddenly stopping the AMARNATH YATRA / asking all tourist to move out of Jammu and Kashmir. Also, there are news of some attack by the Indian Army in PAKISTAN. Let us look at the Natural Horoscope and see what can happen?
Current Horoscope is as under.
Currently – MERCURY / VENUS / SUN / MARS / JUPITER® and Rahu® are placed or affecting the NORTH direction. When 6 out of 9 major planets are affecting NORTH, naturally events will also take place in NORTH.
Since the last 30 days, mars made a combination with SATURN / RAHU and JUPITER. If you see the events – the government was installing military forces in KASHMIR slowly and gradually. Do you remember the TRUMP TWEET post-BALAKOT STRIKE – “India is going to do something big in KASHMIR”?
I had written a post on JUPITER's TRANSIT in VRISCHIK RASHI last year and given hit of all these kinds of incidents. See the PULWAMA attack took place on 14th FEB., 2019 -it was THURSDAY. BALAKOT happened on 26th FEB 2019 – it was TUESDAY but it was early in the morning when VISHAKHA NAKSHTRA was active. Lord of VISHAKHA is JUPITER.
Curenly Sun / Mars / Mercury / Jupiter / Saturn are in combination as mentioned about. So, in current week – I see events from SATURDAY – that is yesterday, SUNDAY / TUESDAY / WEDNEDAY and THURSDAY. This time TUESDAY and CHITRA NAKSHTRA / WEDNEDAY and SWATI NAKSHTRA and Thursday and VISHAKHA NAKSHTRA are falling together. Lord of CHITRA is MARS / VISHAKHA is JUPITER. Moreover, THURSDAY falls on 8th. 8th is a number of SATURN. So, I see NEXT week very eventful.
Mars will enter in to LEO on 9th and will be making contact with HARSHAL / SATURN. They will come in line around 31st AUGUST. Most planets will be there in LEO at that time. LEO being the sign of KING – I see CENTRAL government is taking very strict steps and winning over the opposite people. 31st August is SATURDAY.
What did we say on 26th MARCH?
On 26th March we wrote out most read post - How do we see 2019-2020, based on SUN INGRESS CHAR... (link: https://bestofhiteshparikh.blogspot.com/2019/03/how-do-we-see-2019-2020-based-on-sun.html?spref=tw) bestofhiteshparikh.blogspot.com/2019/03/how-do…
In the same, we had mentioned following in point number 2.
2. Sun: - 14th April is Sunday. Sun is in the exalted sign and sitting in a 10th house. This makes the government very strong. It means the government will be able to deal with all the difficult issues created by vested interests.
Throughout the year, govt will be taking strong efforts to bring discipline and order in the country and they will be successful.
Jupiter is aspecting SUN at the beginning of the year. This will make the govt more blessed in dealing with the issues.
What NEXT?
With the BLESSING of my GURU and GOD, all our calls are going 100% on dot. We keep you well ahead of the market and events. All you need is to read our post with an open mind and read between lines.
While the whole world is talking about MANDI now, we talked about the same on 26th Oct. 2017. Now, we have already given our calculation for coming TEJI in the market with proper timings. Now, if you don’t muster courage to follow us, we can’t help.
We are in auspicious month of SHRAVAN. If you need any guidance to deal with the issues of your life/ business/ job / investments – you can approach us.
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Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.
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