One SOLID reason WHY we will not see a GLOBAL RECESSION in 2019?
28th August 2019
One SOLID reason WHY we will not see a GLOBAL RECESSION in 2019?
Dear Fellow Travellers,
Greetings from Hitesh! Media is talking about US yield curve going below 2% and its impending effect into recession. The trade war is another issue which is being talked about and its effect on Global Economy. In India, talks are very high about MANDI in various market and unemployment. So, are we heading for RECESSION?
I remember the famous quote of Charles T. Munger - “All I want to know is where I'm going to die so I'll never go there.”
Say some GODLY person or some astrologer tells you that if you go to so and so place at so and so time – your death is certain. Will you go there? I am sure you will try your best NOT to go there. The market works on the same principles.
How the market works?
The market is there to surprise all and sundry all the time. For the market, there is no BUFFETT or no RAKESH. All are taken for a ride as and when the market decides.
So, when you decide about MANDI / TEJI or RECESSION in advance at an individual level and play the game then it is okay. But when 9 out of 10 guys are on any side – TEJI or MANDI – that event will not happen for sure as per my reading of stock market history since 1900.
Market participants Consensus is the biggest indication that the event agreed upon will not take place. This is the SOLID reason for recession not taking place in 2019.
What happened in the last three months of 2017?
Look at what RIDHAM DESAI / RAKESH / NILESH SHAH / Porinju has said during those three months? They all were talking about TEJI. The market was also in Teji till BUDGET of 2018 and what happened after that you know all.
From my side, I was categorical about MANDI in 2018 and 2019 as per my blog on 26th October 2017. Most small investors suffered as they all were moving with the CONSENSUS of the market players. They all thought – those who read – when all such great guys are talking about TEJI, how come HITESH PARIKH can go right?
What should be the right action now?
Currently, the consensus is toward MANDI. If you buy that, you will curse your luck when the market moves up fast. I am on the buying side and adding stocks as per my funds' flow. Those who follow this method will bless me.
What NEXT?
It is a practice of Destiny Management to keep its reads ahead of the market experts and market events. We have shared our market view. Now, it is up to you to take action.
The current market is the BEST OPPORTUNITY for investors. If you have a burning desire to make tons of money – do approach us.
We are approaching auspicious days of LORD GANESHA. The right time to deal with your OBSTACLES in career/profession/health and relationships. You can approach us for personal guidance.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.
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