The Uniqueness of year 1983/1992 /2001/2010 and 2019 and SENSEX Performance

Friday, 28 December 2018

The Uniqueness of year 1983/1992 /2001/2010 and 2019 and SENSEX Performance

Greetings from Hitesh! They say HISTORY REPEATS. So, I was looking at all the above years to understand. I have got some good news for all the investors. Just take a glance of all the above years and add the total. Final single digit is 3 in all the above years.

I have taken lowest year as 1983 as we didn’t have SENSEX before that in India.

Let us see what happened to market in each year?

1983: - The total is 21 and if we reduce the same to single digit, it comes to 3. The Sensex was up in that year as per the BSE historical chart. It was in 150-200 range at that time. Market came down around December.

1992: - The total is 21 and the final digit is 3. We had seen the biggest ever rally in Indian stock market. HARSHAD MEHTA was the driver behind that TEJI. First time SENSEX crossed 4000. From 200 odd in 1983 to 4000 in 1992. 40 times return. After scam broke out the SENSEX came down

2001: - The total is direct 3. The year was coming after 9/11 and it had the negativity inbuilt. However, in 2001 also SENSEX moved up from 3953 on 1st January to high of 4458. In the December the closing was 3200 odd points.

2010: - The total is direct 3. The year gave 17% return in SENSEX. It opened at 17539 and made a high of 21094. Year closed at 20511. It closed with little loss, but the closing was higher than the opening by 17%.  

2019: - The total is 12 and final is 3. If you see the above 4 combinations, they were either 21 or 3. But 2019 is 12!! What is more, number 9 is coming in this year after a gap of 27 years!! 27 is also 9!!

Number 3 is for Jupiter and JUPITER is in VRISHCIK rashi for most part in 2019. Number 12 stands for AGGRESSIVE JUPITER in NUMEROLOGY and in astrology JUPITER is ATICHARI at present. So, events will be fast. Our prediction based on JUPITER movement has gone 100% correct for RAHUL GANDHI and MODI.

(You must read the effect of JUPITER in VRISHICK rashi given in earlier blog.

We have an AGGRESSIVE GURU as an end result                   (number-12) with MANGAL along with MOON and SUN. I see market will make new highs due to above combinations.

Numner 12 is a numner of SACRIFICE. So, your focus should be on SACRIFICE. More you SACRIFICE, more you will gain. In ISHA VSYA UPNISHAD the first line says – ten tykten bhunjitha (those who forsake will enjoy)

Investment is also a present-day sacrifice for future gain. If you keep this in mind and do investment, you will bless me in coming years.

What NEXT?

We explore the MARKETS/MEN with various METHODS. We see year based on single star (Jupiter in September 2018), SUN INGRESS CHART (March/October 2018) or India’s Independent chart (Dec 2018). In the above case, we have used NUMEROLOGY. The balance sheet of EXISTENCE always TALLIES without any difference. Personally, for me this is GOD’s GRACE and my GURU’s Blessings on me. I feel blessed.  

If you want to know about your personal progress in 2019 or if you want to invest, you can take our help.

Have a FANTASTIC 2019.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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