Market Analysis V/s. Market Synthesis – which one is better?
05 December 2018
Market Analysis V/s. Market Synthesis –
which one is better?
Greetings from Hitesh! Ever since the
evolution of science, mankind has spent lot of time in analysing various
natural and other phenomenon and given explanations for the same. Man’s obsession
for analysis has become so severe that the focus has shifted to WHY this is
happening rather than WHAT is happening and how to enjoy the same. Normal MAN
finds it difficult to relish the mystery.
When it comes to the financial market –
we have various kinds of ANALYSTS or sector ANALYSTS to explain their
respective view-points. Analyses is an EGO DRIVEN act where the guy who analyse
has the motive to uncover the secret of the event happening or going to happen.
Market detests these total brigades of
analysts and more often their study or analyses go for a toss and they suffer a
huge loss. The shrewdest or smartest investors goes for SYNTEHSIS instead of
Synthesis is 100% opposite of ANALYSES and
it tries to include all possible things together to see the total picture. Synthesis
is a paradigm of HUMILITY. The guy who is doing SYSNTHESIS is open to any possibility
as he has left the resutls to the MARKET.
The best way to do the SYNTHESIS in HUMAN
history is shown by BHAGAWAN MAHAVIR when he gave his concept of SYAAD VAD.
Say you have a QUESTION: - WILL MARKET
will see the picture in totality as given below.
Syād-asti — "in some ways it is" :- The first possibility says – YES, but in some way. May be your stocks move up or Nifty move up. If you have position in both, you may feel that market is moving up for you.
Syād-nāsti — "in some ways it is not":- Second possibility says – NO, but in some ways. While your friend is making money, your stocks are not moving, and you may feel market is not moving up for you.
Syād-asti-nāsti — "in some ways it is and it is not" :- The above two possibilities are mostly followed by all and easy to understand also. But from third onwards all possibilities require a very open mind towards EXISTENCE/MARKET. Market may move up in some ways and may not move up in some ways when looked from your investment perspective. Some scrips may move up and some may not. The result is not much profit for you or not much loss for you.
Syād-asti-avaktavyaḥ — "in some ways it is and it is indescribable":- This becomes little heavy on the MIND. Market has moved up in some way but you are not able to describe or give logical reasons. This stage guys in the market operates from GUT feelings. They feel market will go down or up from within and they take actions. But they can’t explain you why they feel, what they feel. Many times – you know market is moving up or stock is moving up, but you can’t find out the reasons behind it.
Syād-nāsti-a- vaktavyaḥ — "in some ways it is not and it is indescribable":-
This is opposite of what is said above. You feel that market is not moving, or stock is nor moving but you can’t explain the same.
Syād-asti-nā- sti-avaktavyaḥ — "in some ways it is, it is not and it is indescribable":-
This is another major stage. You feel, market is moving in some ways, not moving in some ways but can’t explain.
If you have been seeing all the six possibilities above, it has a major factor – YOU. You want to know, you want to control, you want to make profit. So, in final stage, Mahavir says …..7th possibility.
Syād-avaktavy- aḥ — "in some ways it is indescribable":-
You can’t explain. It’s a matter of surrendering you. Surrendering your EGO. When you surrender your EGO to market, you become one with market and then whatever you do, it will be 100% right.
What happens when you apply these seven steps?
By the time you apply all the 7 steps, you
will be free from your EGO of doing something or winning the market. You will
reach to the state of surrender and once you surrender – you become successful automatically.
Have you observed that the guy who tries to swim has a possibility of drowning in
the WATER. But the DEAD body always SWIM automatically. When your EGO dies,
EXISTENCE or MARKET takes care of you!! The best way to KILL your EGO is to
apply the above 7 possibilities and see the miracles.
What NEXT?
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Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.
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