When it comes to Making a Blunder, Modi and Small investors both are the SAME.

Saturday, 03 February 2018
When it comes to Making a Blunder, Modi and Small investors both are the SAME.
Greetings from Hitesh Parikh! The most anticipated event of the year has become ANTI MARKET. Market has fallen on Friday as if there is no tomorrow. If you are my regular reader, appreciate our expertise in guiding you way ahead of the market fall. Now people are asking the reasons for the fall rather than thinking on what to do NEXT?
I have been thinking on MODI’s performance in last 4 years and suddenly it strikes that he also made the same blunder which NORMAL investors make when they come to the market.
Dream of a 14 years OLD GUY turned into inner realisation at 64:-
I have been told a beautiful story of a 14 years old. He had a DREAM to change the world by the time he reaches 24. At 24 he realised that the world is the SAME so, he changed his target to change his COUNTRY by 34.
At 34 age he realised that country is the same, so he focused on changing the STATE by the age 44. At 44 age the STATE was also same. Rather than getting frustrated he focused on changing his TOWN by 55. At 55 he saw the town guys are the same. So, he decided to change his family members by 64. At 64 he was on DEATH BED and he realised that his family members are also the same. There is no change in them despite his efforts. His life was a failure. He got the inner realisation.
He got the REALISATION that had he changed by 24, looking at him, his family would have changed by 34. Looking at his family, Town would have changed by 44. Looking at his town, STATE would have changed by 54. And Looking at his STATE, country would have changed by 64 and things like that.
The most important element to change was HIMSELF and not the FAMILY or WORLD.
What MODI had DONE So far?
He has been praised for his NET WORKING with the who is who in the world leadership. Most guys are considering this as his greatest achievement and they are thinking that he is making INDIA’s name big in the international community. FDI will come and situation of India will change.
After 4 years in POWERS, he has remembered our FARMERS and AGRI SECTORS in his latest budget. When he came to power in 2014, he had the majority and he had a LOW OIL price for 2 years and he should have used that opportunity to make INDIA STRONG internally. Had he focused on INDIA’s core competency at that time, WORLD WOULD BE coming to us on their own without doing any NETWORKING. He missed the GREAT OPPORTUNITY given by Circumstances to him.
Today he has nothing to give to AAM ADAMI but promises. I am amazed by his capacities to generate new and new promises every time he fails in his last promise. No doubt, Congress calls him FEAKOO.
What STEPHEN COVEY said in his book – FIRST THING FIRST?
This was my favourite book in 1997. In the same Mr.Covey said – SUCCESS is INSIDE OUT PHENOMENON. He said that you get success because you have it somewhere lying in deep within you. You can’t get success by conducive outside forces. Outside forces will always be secondary and not primary. Modi focused on SECONDARY FORCES rather than PRIMARY FORCES, as per Mr. STEPHEN COVEY principle.
How does this relate to SMALL investors?
The focus following questions.
1.  Where will market go from here?
2.  Will MODI get re-elected or not?
3.  What will happen to market post BUDGET/Post election and things like that?
4.  Where is BIG investor investing money?
5.  Where is FUND managers investing money?
6.  Which share will move up fast?
7.  What is the TGT for market in 2018 or target for a share price for coming year or two?
8.  Whether USA will attack NORTH KOREA or not?
Look at the above list. There can be many questions you can add. Now, if you answer these questions – will answer of any of them add to your WEALTH CREATION? It will 100% not add any value to you.
The questions which will make difference in your life could be as follows.
1.  What are my financial goals?
2.  Which school or universities I want my kids to study?
3.  What is my dream retirement life?
4.  How I can do the world tour?
5.  How can I invest so that I can generate money to fulfil all my goals?
See the above questions. It has FOCUS on you and only you. You are the DRIVER of your life and you are the ANSWER GIVER. You are making conscious choices by answering them. If you are not answering them consciously, unconsciously you are choosing to live your life to the chance or situations.
What this BUDGET means for all?
Top Corporates are unhappy because the corporate TAX has not come down as promised in earlier budget. Middle class has got no actual tax benefits or possibilities to increase in income. In fact, they will face the music for rising inflation in coming year. Poor have got tons of promises for betterment.
Overall, nobody got anything, but MODI got the PRAISE for thinking about the POOR.
What Next?
By abusing any political party or person, nothing will change in our life. Change will come when you decide that enough is enough for you. When you take a conscious call to change your situations, your destiny will also be shaped.
Anythony Robbins always says “In the moment of your decision, your destiny is shaped.”
Those who decided to join me have been prepared for the FALL well in advance. You still have a time to change your destiny. Just take a DESCISION to join us.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /  WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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