Our READING of CHINA’s HOROSCOPE – Will war happen with India?

July 26, 17

Our READING of CHINA’s HOROSCOPE – Will war happen with India?

Greetings from Hitesh! After reading our post on CHINESE stocks falling, many readers have asked us to talk about WAR and CHINESE STRATEGY. Today I am going to deal with that.

China as we know today – communist china – was born on 1st October 1949 on 3.15pm in Beijing. I have prepared SAYAN horoscope and I am sharing my views based on that details.


1.   Ascendent / Moon:-  Aquarius
2.   Rahu:- Aries
3.   Uranus:- Cancer
4.   Mangal / Pluto:- LEO
5.   Saturn:- Virgo
6.   Ketu / Budh / Ravi  / Neptune:- Libra
7.   Venus:- Scorpio
8.   Jupiter:- Capricorn

Why CHINA is an export Economy?

I feel really blessed to have been born in India and having studied ASTROLOGY. The sages have been real good SEERS and they have developed the beautiful science. Horoscope can tell you everything, provided you know how to apply astrological principles.

China has JUPITER in 12th house. Jupiter makes to good in business and export is one of the possibilities when it is in 12th house. If you look at the history CHINA seriously started developing in 1970 to 1980. It was a time for JUPITER DASHA and it made drastic changes during that time.

It has a VENUS in 10th house – aspected by MARS and RAHU (DEGREECALLY). Those who have done business with CHINESE have got very bitter experiences when they have blindly trusted CHINESE counter parts. VENUS makes it easy for them to penetrate into the world market place and they have been doing it very successfully for so many years.

The beautiful aspect of CHINA’s Horoscope is that they grow faster than their partners or benefit more from their partnership. Today, they are the biggest creditor of  the USA and almost any country thanks to their exports.


Lagna is Aquarius and lord of lagna is in Virgo in 8th house. Aquarius makes the NATIVE intelligent / fast and thoughtful. When the lord is in 8th house in VIRGO – they become FANATIC in their execution. Just see they are defying all there wrong doing with respect to Indian border / Tibet / Hong Kong / South China Sea and they are ready to fight for that.

Lagna is aspected by MARS and PLUTO from 7th house. Both are very negative planet for long-term relationship. They will always end up fighting in their relationships. If you look at CHINESE history with its allies – you will see this TREND in that.

The horoscope has combination of RAHU + MARS + PLUTO + MERCURY + NEPTUNE. It makes them very difficult to deal with. They will always find out some or the other ways to harass the opposite countries. When they are 100% wrong then also they have the audacity to stick to their stand because of the above combinations.

How are the current stars?

Currently, RAHU is transiting in 7th house from NATAL (birth time) MARS and PLUTO.  This is the most important factor instigating China to get ready for WAR.

MARS will be transiting from natal MARS+PLUTO from 27th August to 12th October. Pluto is transiting from 12th house and making a 6-8 relationship with MARS. Neptune is also making 6-8 relationships with MARS. Uranus is also making 5-9 aspects with MARS.

Combination of Natal Mars and Pluto with transiting MARS + RAHU + NEPTUNE + URANUS and PLUTO is very negative and indicates WAR.

China is passing from BUDH dasha and GURU ANTRA from 16th August 2016 to 21st Nov.,2018.  BUDH into GURU is generally considered a BAD period for the person or country.

In short, the current TRANSIT + DASHA both are NEGATIVE and are indicating WAR like situations.

Lunar eclipse on 7th August and Solar eclipse on 21st August will affect the above combinations. Eclipses have negative effect for minimum 45 days after they occur. So, 45 days from 7th August also indicate negative situations.

What we had said on March 18, 17?

In our post titled “SECRET of SOUTH CHINA SEA
& Trump's 'Historic' Defense Spending Proposal,  Understand it and you can be prepared for NEXT EVENTS” We had categorically predicated following.

We had said following categorically in our post:-

The NORTH / NORTH EAST / EAST and SOUTH EAST Direction will get affected the most. People in those directions will also get affected the most. War like situations will compound their SUFFERING in coming time.

From APRIL 7th 2017, period is changing and we see strong chances of WAR LIKE situations or NATURAL CALAMITIES can surface in the above DIRECTIONS.

We always keep you ahead. Just appreciate our accuracy with regards to WAR like situations and natural calamities. Many parts of India are under water when I am writing this. We had also predicted FLOOD in India!!

What is India’s Horoscope Says?

From June 2016, we  have been telling you that Indian public will suffer, suffer and suffer. We suffered due to demonetization / heavy inflation and taxes and now GST. All these experiments are being carried out on us in the name of GROWTH.

Current stars from 27th August are very negative for the people in the NORTHERN / NORTH EASTERN part of India. It will be a TEST of our PMs 3 years of NETWORKING with FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Was the travelling an investment or waste, it will be proven. India as a country may not suffer much but 100% we all will suffer more in coming 3 months time.

What’s the Way out?

We have categorically told that people who will suffer will most will be the once who have NEGATIVE Vastu in the NORTH / NORTH EAST / EAST and SOUTH EAST direction of their home and/or office. I have reminded our readers to take corrective remedial actions in those affected areas.

On Friday, July 21, 17, we had written our post  - Your DATE with DESTINY 24th July 2017:-  RIGHT time to WORK on 2 of the most Important AREAS of Your SUCCESS.

In the same we had said The most Auspicious month of SHRAVAN is starting from 24th July 2017. As per the HINDU calendar – the last day of ASHADH month is known as DIVASO. It means 100 days to DIWALI. All the days are MOST AUSPICIOUS.

If you wish, you can use the above days to take remedial measures in your VASTU. If you want personalized guidance, you can approach us.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.


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