Did you see the bloodbath in Crypto Currencies? What NEXT?

Wednesday, July 12, 17

Did you see the bloodbath in Crypto Currencies? What NEXT?

Greetings from Hitesh! BITCOIN made high of usd 3000 and fell to around usd 2200 in a very short period of time. Those who followed us made 200% gain by guying bitocin around USD 1000 in Janaury, 2017. Most of the CRYPTO CURRENCIES have fallen as if there is no tomorrow and investors have suffered massive wealth erosion in JUNE.,2017. Let us see what we said about BITCOIN in our last post written on May 10, 17 - BITCOIN touched USD 1800, what next NOW?


Government of the respective country and central banks are always the biggest culprit who can loot you and your money just like that. They allow scam to happen in the first place. When the NORMAL people join the game - they declare it illegal or some change in law and the normal guys are finished. Look at HOUSING BUBBLE in USA.

They have allowed blossoming CRYPTO CURRENCIES in last 8 odd years. Now, the NORMAL guys are entering into the game. Many guys in INDIA have bought at Rs.40000 to Rs.60000 and current rate is Rs.115000 in India. They all are expecting Rs.2 lakh fast. Many GREEDY GUYS will enter at this price also and these are the guys who would be taken for a RIDE by the BIG GUYS in coming times.

BITCOIN is Way of TRANSMITTING Money and it is not an ASSET. The way you transfer money through CHEQUE – here you are doing through BITCOIN. The amount on CHEQUE can be anything but the bank charges just Rs.2 per leaf of CHEQUE after you exhaust your FREE CHEQUE LEAF LIMITS.

What my friends have done?

In spite of writing so categorically to stay away from BITCOIN and other CRYPTO CURRENCIES – many of my reader friends have bought BITCOIN around Rs.2 lakh per COIN. I had said “They all are expecting Rs.2 lakh fast. Many GREEDY GUYS will enter at this price also and these are the guys who would be taken for a RIDE by the BIG GUYS in coming times.”

I do not feel SORRY for them. They want something for nothing. They deserve such kind of TREATMENT from the MARKET GUYS.

What NEXT?

There is no FREE LUNCH. I still suggest LEARN the PROPER ART of investments and your generations will bless me. Yesterday, we had written the first part of SCIENCE of WEALTH CREATION. If you have missed – I suggest you must read the same.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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