Have Indian’s Come a Long way from only “G” to GOOGLE it at 4G Speed?
Wednesday, April 19, 17
Have Indian’s Come a Long way from only “G” to GOOGLE it at
4G Speed?
Greetings from Hitesh! Time from 7th
April to till date is going EVENTFUL. Each day is bringing new events from
around the world. They say- if you can see beyond obvious – then chances of
your success and happiness are more. In the last post we tried to see the
coming year for India and Indians through our system. Today I am going to deal
with Indians.
Obsession with “G”:-
India had a LONG ERA of GULAMI of
1000-1200 years under various RULERS. We were the product of a decent education
system in which NO READY MADE ANSWER was given to the PUPIL. He was given the
indication and he was asked to find his own answers. Look at our UPNISHADS and
all are in QUESTION and ANSWER forms. But the ANSWER is not our TYPICAL ANSWER.
GURU always wanted the PUPIL to follow some way to arrive at his own answers.
We had the TAXSILA and NALANDA.
The most degeneration of Indians
happened under ENGLISH education system. ENGLISH wanted to RULE India as
smoothly as possible. So, they changed the mind of people over a period of time
by changing the EDUCATION system. They wanted CLERKS or ASSISTANTS to carry out
their KINGDOM. So, they devised the system to produce the CLERKS. Their JOB was
to SAY “G SIR” and do the work. They were not supposed to QUESTION the
rightness of the DECISIONS. They were not supposed to apply their mind. They
have to say G SIR.
This has hampered the THINKING CAPACITIES
of our GENERATIONS, at least 7- 9 generations. 200 years of BRITISH EDUCATION
and 70 years of POST INDEPENENT EDUCATION. (Assuming each generation is for 30
years – post their education. Life Span was very low in those days). This
is very generalized calculation and it may not be applicable to a particular
Bertrand Russell had once said – “MOST
PEOPLE would rather DIE than THINK. Most Dies”
This is applicable even now.
How DIFFERENT is GOOGLE generations at 4G speed?
Today KIDs are asked to do their
HOMEWORK or PROJECT with the HELP of GOOGLE. With the 4G SPEED – they are doing
it at much faster SPEED than earlier versions. If you ask any question, most of
the time answer is – “just google it”. Somebody had said – “MORE YOU CHANGE –
MORE YOU REMAIN the SAME”. If you look at the BRODER picture of INDIANS – “NOT
ABLE to THINK INDEPENENTLY” had been the major TREND for our 7-9 generations.
In spite of 74% Literacy in India, we are not ready to
It is becoming difficult to find a
non-educated guy now a days. Many of them can think also. But they are not
ready to implement their thinking, as they are ECONOMICALLY DEPENDENT on JOB.
The day they start applying their mind – their BOSSES or their EMPLOYER will
send them to their HOME. They have no FALL BACK. They have FAMILY
REPONSIBILITES. So, the thinking capacities always remain DORMANT in any guy.
Chances of being UNHAPPY at the time of DEATH are HIGH, as he has not done what
he always wanted to do.
How we can HELP ANY INDIVIDUAL who wants to LIVE HIS LIFE at
his own TERMS?
We can help him create a DECENT
PASSIVE INCOME along with his JOB income. Once he crosses his MENTAL THRESHOLD
of Income Security – he will start taking chances with LIFE. The thing, which
gives real pleasure, is your ability to DO what you feel is RIGHT. World Famous Trainer Anthony
Robbins also defines PERSONAL POWER as the ability to THINK and DO.
After reading till now, if you find
that YOU KNOW whatever I have WRITTEN. There is nothing NEW in it. Then let me given you a GOOD NEWS. You are 100% correct. Knowing has always been India's USP thanks to the INDEPENDENT RESEARCH of our RISHIS. The question you should ask is
– How much of your KNOWING is converted into DOING?
My job is to make to DO. Because DOING only gives you real
pleasure in any area and not JUST KNOWING.
What NEXT?
This post is just to take you
through the long journey, which our generations have gone through. Our present
generations and we are the FRUITS of the same.
If we do not consciously take
steps to THINK, by default we are SELECTING to be SLAVE at the SPEED of 4G.
If you want to take your
GENERATONS to the NEXT LEVEL – please APPROACH us. Make your CHOICE.
Have a THINKING DAY ahead.
Live With
Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.
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