Fundamentally Sound Stock / Idea is always the CAUSE of LOSSES to the masses. So beware.

Tuesday, April 25, 17

Fundamentally Sound Stock / Idea is always the CAUSE of LOSSES to the masses. So beware.

Greetings from Hitesh! It has been a pleasure to see my posts are being circulated, read and appreciated.  I thank each and every reader. I am sure most of you would get skeptic with the above sentence. If you look the larger picture – you have been advised to invest in Fundamentally good stocks, buy branded products, do friendship with good people and things like that. I am talking 100% agsint these beliefs.

How many of you believe that HOUSE Prices will keep on increasing permanently?

I am sure all would agree on this premise that HOUSE price would keep on increase. Many would give me an example of buying a land at Rs.10 per square feet by his grand father and now the same place is costing Rs.50000 per square feet. He would not agree with me. Many other can also give such examples of their house buying and prices have hit the roof in last 15 years.

It is universally accepted belief that the value of houses was certain to increase over time.  This premise has created the BUBBLE.

The bubble is created when a large percentage of population buys into some originally sound premise (as mentioned above) and it is quite interesting how that develops – an originally sound premises that becomes distorted as time passes and people forget the original sound premise and start focusing on PRICE alone.

This caused the bubble in USA and we have seen what happened in 2008.

Almost in all the countries it is believed that HOUSE prices will move up and the post effect of that belief is still causing MANDI in USA, EUROPE and other countries. They are still struggling to come out even after 10 years.

Have you observed your portfolio?

If you are in the market from HARSHAD MEHTA period – you will still find ACC in your portfolio which made Rs.10000 per share/ If you are from KETAN PARIKH time you would be holding INFOSYS which made Rs.16000/- HFCL making Rs.2200 / If you are from 2004 – you would be having UNITECH or J P Group stocks or RELIANCE GROUP stocks.

I have no doubt that the companies mentioned above were 100% good at some point of time. But you focused on the PRICE alone and did not check the PREMISES that are they good when you bought or if you are still holding?

Reliance made Rs.3000 in 2007 and went to Rs.670 and after 10 years it is showing sign of revival (with a HUGE DEBT)!!  If you are our old readers – we were the first to hint get out at 2500/- (most guys were talking about Rs.6000 at that time).

In the current time they sold D MART at 40 p/e through IPO and most guys applied that shares. They all become happy when it got listed at 65 p/e and now the stock is at around 100 p/e. Infosys was also traded at 100 plus P/E in Ketan Parekh’s time and we know what happened later on.

If you invest for SOUND reason or some FUNDAMENTALLY STRONG MOAT – make sure that MOAT or SOUND REASON remains VALID for the FUTURE also.

In economics / finance / technology – things take longer time to happen than you think and then they happen faster than you thought they could.

So, look at all your investments regularly and check whether they are still backed up by SOUND REASON or not?

Let us look at the EDUCATION:-

Here also all would agree that EDUCATION is a BIRTH RIGHT of every KID. Just look that how the bubble has happened in this area also. The premises of EDUCATION have become DISTORTED over a period of time and it has taken away the LIFE of budding KID from one class to other class and money of parents. Many parents take loan to finance the education and the end results today are PURPOSELESS education and JOBLESS Youngsters. Children have become the DREAM FULFILLING machine of the parents.   

The BASIC premise of EDUCATION for all is the NOBLE and BEST but see how it has take a shape now a days.

How to apply this learning to your investment success?

I have always followed that investment is not just a study of a company / industry or demand and supply prevailing at particular point of time. Investment is study of the MASS SOCIETY. How they behave, what they believe and what they will do next?

The catch here is once you know what they want / they believe or they behave – you do 100% reverse and go to sleep.

Those, who sold in 2006 and 2007, made billions in USA. Same way we asked to buy in the DEEP MANDI of 2008 DECEMBER and we all made tons of money by March 2009 and beyond!!

You will not be able to do this unless you KNOW yourself very well. Most guys coming to me are well equipped with the best of the education, experience but they lack SELF KNOWLEDGE. They are high IQ people with CONTROL C and CONTROL V type.

I know many of my friends TRAVELLING by TRAIN in MUMBAI in spite of having more than one CAR. They do not travel by CAR as it is painful to drive in TRAFIC and to find PARKING PLACE. These are copycats. They want CAR because their NEIGHBOUR is having. What the society people would talk about them? Many of they have bought the car on LOAN and they are travelling with OLA or UBER!! These people are always under stress as they are coping their fellow neighbours.

It is very difficult to make them look with in as they are not ready to understand the difference between their BELIEFS and themselves. They act out of BELIEFS or COPY only.

What NEXT?

I am interested in you and your lasting GROWTH. If you want to GROW yourself without STRESS - you are welcome to explore yourself under my supervision. 

I give you a guarantee that being with me for 3 years will be the best investment you will be making in yourself.

Make your CHOICE.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 /

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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