What is the meaning of words – Expect / Waiting / Hope / Friend / Profit / Investment for Smart Investors?

March 22, 17

What is the meaning of words – Expect / Waiting / Hope / Friend / Profit / Investment for Smart Investors?

Greetings from Hitesh! It has been pleasure to see people hitting our post on PAST LIFE and FUTURE LIFE. May be they all are having the deep down curiosity to know all. Yesterday, we shared our view on UP CM. Today I am going to deal with the most important aspect, which divide most successful investors and not so successful investors.

Kind Of Investors:-

It is generally said that you need to be OPTIMISTIC while you invest. Optimistic guys expect return / they are ready to wait and hope that someday their shares will move up / they believe in right friends or connections and they have a goal for PROFIT. If by any chance goal of profit is not achieved or achieved lesser than expected, he becomes PESSIMISTIC or UNHAPPY. In short he keeps on moving from one side to other like a pendulum. For this investors there are always two aspects  - they and their investments. They have a definite marking between the two.

This is not the way SMARTEST of the SMART guy does investments. He also uses the above words but he is not OPTIMISTIC nor he is PESSIMISTIC. He is above the two. He is UDASIN. UDASIN is a HINDI word and most nearest ENGLISH is NEUTRAL. But NEUTRAL does not convey the meaning of UDASIN in TRUE sense. So, I will use UDASIN in my post.

UDASIN is coined out of two words UT and ASSIN. UT means – ABOVE and ASSIN means SITTING. The one who is sitting above and watching the game.

Now let me deal with above words and how he uses them while he invests.

EXPECT:- He does not expect anything after making investments. When expectations are not there – there is no way you will WAIT or HOPE. No Friend or No Enemy and No Profit or LOSS. He does not see INVESTMENT as separate from himself. HE IS THE INVESTMENTS. If you are raising the KIDS and if you are seeing them as separate from yourself – you will have expectations from them. But when you see your kids as yourself – you will have no expectations from them. Most guys will find this difficult to understand or they will end up mis-understanding. But if you honestly look into yourself – you will get the point I am making.

Now, let me deal with PRACTICAL example of doing investments without EXPECTATIONS with the EXAMPLE of LIVING LEGEND WARREN BUFFETT.

How MR.BUFFETT goes for his investments?

He in living legend because – there are many BILLIONAIRES – but he is the only one who is running 70 plus businesses and growing up each year at the age of 85 years.

He will find out all the details about the investment he wants to do. He will meet the management and frankly – management comes and meets him due to his status NOW.

Once he studies the investment proposal – he finds out the fair value and gives the final offer. Take it or leave it.

Since he knows the FAIR VALUE – he gives the offer after keeping the margin of SAFETY. Generally, the offer price is below FAIR VALUE.

Now, the gap between OFFER PRICE and FAIR VALUE is his instant profit. He does not have to expect profit / wait for profit or hope for profit. His profit is instant. He wants to hold his investments for LIFE because he does not see his investments are separate from himself.

If you are investing billions – this is the only way you can invest big amount. You can’t take chances with your big amount. You need to be sure from the DAY one. You also follow the about steps when you buy a home for your staying. But when it comes to SHARE MARKET – you get carried away by so called experts and their investment theories. If you truly understand the above game – you will laugh at your SIP and MUTUAL FUND investments.

What NEXT?

Above is the BEST way I can explain you to go about your investments. Many of you may not find it logical but let me assure you – this is the most logical way to go for your investments. Unless you follow above steps – you will never be able to invest BIG amounts and when you can’t invest big amount you will never grow up fast.

If you need help in becoming INVESTMENTS – you can approach us.

I wish you a Wonderful Wednesday.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 / www.hiteshmparikh.com

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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