SECRET of SOUTH CHINA SEA & Trump's 'Historic' Defense Spending Proposal, Understand it and you can be prepared for NEXT EVENTS

March 18, 17

& Trump's 'Historic' Defense Spending Proposal,   Understand it and you can be prepared for NEXT EVENTS

Greetings from Hitesh! We keep on listening in MEDIA about South China Sea issues. But rarely anybody has shared the real issues behind it. Let us look at some of the FACTS. On 27th Feb., 2017 – TRUMP proposed 9% hike in US defense budget to USD 603 Billion, up by USD 54 billion. Why?

Let us look at the MAP.

If you look at the map of SOUTH CHINA SEA it is surrounded by CHINA / South Korea / Malaysia / Vietnam / Philippines / Thailand / Japan / Brunei as a major countries. 

The SOUTH CHINA SEA contains 130 billion barrel of oil and 900 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. It is being called second Persian Gulf. It is potentially worth 9.2 trillion usd.

It is being claimed in parts by Taiwan / Malaysia / Vietnam / Brunei / Philippines / Japan / Brunei and CHINA.

The problem now is CHINA says total SEA AREA belongs to it. When SEA belongs to CHINA naturally, OIL and GAS also belongs to it. It does not want to part with anybody.

Where DOES THE USA comes into the PICTURE?

USA knows the potential of this SEA AREA and it has already fought the war with VIETNAM some years back. It also fought the war with JAPAN in PERAL HARBOUR for the same. In current times USA has DEFENSE TREATIES / BILATERAL DEFESNE PACTS / SENSITIVE ALLIANCES with JAPAN / Taiwan / Vietnam / Philippines / Malaysia / Brunei.

Technically, if CHINA attacks any of the countries – it has to face the wrath of USA. It is USA V/s. CHINA!!


It has started building up ARTIFICIAL ISLAND in the SEA. The biggest is Fiery Cross Reef, which has 10800ft Air Strip so that their fighters and bombers can threaten the entire region. They have also constructed at other locations such as SUBI REEF / WOODY ISLAND and Mischief Reef.

It has also developed super sonic Missile - DF 21D also knows as The Carrier Killer. It can fly at the speed of MACH 10 (In aerodynamics, a hypersonic speed is one that is highly supersonic. Since the 1970s, the term has generally been assumed to refer to speeds of Mach 5 and above). It can clear the distance of NEW YORK to MIAMI, which is 1089 miles or 1700 km, in just 12 minutes.

China has installed this missiles at strategic locations in Liaoning / Jiangxi / Yunnan / Fujian / Qinghai. It can hit all the above-mentioned countries and US naval BASE in JAPAN in minutes.

Currently, USA has the capacity to combat MACH 5 speed and CHINA has the double speed than USA capacity.

USA has its SECRET SOLUTIONS ready and to execute the same – TRUMP has asked to increase the DEFENSE budget.

How do we see the GAME being played out?

On 24th January we wrote our post - Do you have HEALTH / WEALTH and LEGAL Issues?

We had said following categorically in our post:-

How is the coming PERIOD for WORLD?

The NORTH / NORTH EAST / EAST and SOUTH EAST Direction will get affected the most. People in those directions will also get affected the most. War like situations will compound their SUFFERING in coming time.

To our credit – in this week massive snowstorm hit the parts of New York. New York is NORTH EAST of USA!! So, my system is PERFECT as FAR as my track record is concerned.

From APRIL 7th 2017, period is changing and we see strong chances of WAR LIKE situations or NATURAL CALAMITIES can surface in the above DIRECTIONS.

What NEXT?

We have shared this post to educate you what MEDIA is not sharing in normal course. This is also done to bring home the point that INVESTMENT is not just about finding investment ideas – it is about keeping EYES and EARS open to all the EVENTS happening in the WROLD over.

Wish you all a VERY HAPPY WEEKEND.

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Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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