Why Marriages are celebrated with some kind of RITUALS world over? It has a secret of WEALTH CREATION.

January 5, 17

Why Marriages are celebrated with some kind of RITUALS world over? It has a secret of WEALTH CREATION.

Greeting from Hitesh! With the beginning of 2017, we have taken up the BASICS of WEALTH CREATION as a subject matter. In the last post we have seen the MARRIAGE INVITATION to ATTENDANCE OF MARRIAGE for GUESTS. In this post we will look at the WAYS of MARRIAGE CELEBRATION.


Marriages are celebrated in various ways in different parts of the world depending on the religious beliefs of the area and people staying in that area. But the common factor is – they call the PRIEST / BRAHMIN, Do PUJA or some such rituals, Call family members and friends, arrange party and things like that. In most of the cases MARRIAGE is the most important celebration of the family.

What changes comes in the life of couple due to MARRIAGE?

1.    Bride leaves the parental homes for life and goes to GROOMS home.
2.    They start sharing everything, including BED.
3.    She takes care of the home and groom takes care of the earning part. Now a day – both takes care of the both aspects.
4.    The do fight, sometimes the major fight also takes place – but the family members and elders or society people come in between to do the patch up.
5.    India has less than 5% divorce rate from all the marriages taken place.  
6.    The divorce rate is very high where the LOVE marriages are taken place, as per social scientists data.

Why most marriages are successful?

In India it is 95% success and USA has 50% success (where most love marriages are taken place). Why two unknown people tolerate each other for lifetime – whether they love or they do not love each other (in Indian Context)? I have found out the SECRET. The SECRET is the MARRIAGE RITUALS done in the presence of FAMILY and FRIENDS.

Yes, this is the only reason. There is a high divorce rate in love marriages world over but ARRANGED marriages are lasting.

When MARRIAGES are done with the proper rituals – the MIND takes it very seriously. Moreover, they are done in presence of Family and FRIENDS. This is also a MAJOR impact on the mind. Now, when couple do not like each other due to various reasons post marriage, when they think of getting separate – they think of MARRIAGE process, they think of all the eyes who witnessed the marriage, they think of SOCIETY at large – and they skip the separation steps and starts patching up. You will find it surprising that the GLOBAL DIVROCE RATE FOR ARRANGED MARRIAGE is just 6.3%, thanks to the RITUALS.

How come MOST MARRIED couples are not SCUCESSFUL when it comes to MONEY?

This is FUNNY, but eye opening. Most marriages are successful but most married couples are not financially well to do. How come?

The answer again is in the RITUALS. We do not conduct any rituals for getting success. I have yet to get an invitation from a FATHER throwing “WOULD BE BILLIONAIRE PARTY” for his NEWLY EDUCATED SON.

Like love marriages, the FINANCIAL GOALS are kept in the MIND only. They are not shared openly the way marriages are celebrated openly. The biggest problem with MIND is – it keeps on changing. But if you have committed in public - the way you have done in MARRIAGE – Mind will not have enough courage to CHANGE.

What ZIG ZIGLAR taught me 20 years back?

Zig Ziglar was the master motivator and personal trainer from USA. I feel privileged to have him in my early life. He was the CLASS APART from run of the mill kind of TRAINERS we come across in recent times. Most guys are copying what he has taught!!

He taught me there are two kinds of goals – GIVE UP GOALS and GO UP GOALS.

He said – share your GIVE UP goals – say you will stop drinking / smoking etc with all your office colleagues and all friends. You can make BIG announcements for the same. This will help you to get rid of your BAD HABITS.

For GO UP GOALS (Goals for your progress – say you want to earn Rs.5 Cr in 2017)– select your NEAREST FAMILY MEMBERS and SOME GOOD FRIENDS and make announcements. Share your vision and steps you will take to achieve your vision with them in details. When you get failures  (akin to big fights in married life), your mind will force you to change your goals – at that time you will remember your commitments made in front of your near and dear and you will change your STRATEGIES towards your GOALS and not the GOALS. This will surely make you successful.

Just follow this and give me the feed back in January 2018.

What NEXT?

Market has moved up from 7900 to 8200. We did remind you. Many have joined us in the last month of DECEMBER. If you still want to join the BUS to WEALTH CREATION – do approach us.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 / www.hiteshmparikh.com

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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