Can you BEAT Mr.BUFFETT in EQUITY RETURNS in spite of going wrong 50% of the time?

January 25, 17

Can you BEAT Mr.BUFFETT in EQUITY RETURNS in spite of going wrong 50% of the time?

Greetings from Hitesh! Many readers have appreciated our last post on HEALTH / WEALTH and LEGAL ISSUES and approached us for the guidance. Thanks for the same. Today we are going to talk about STRATEGY to make tons of money in spite of going wrong in 50% of the stocks.


They believe that they can make money only and only if their all the stocks move up. They want something like SURE SHOT investment ideas. Basically, they want everything EASY over SIMPLE - Something for Nothing. I get lot of calls asking me about the NIFTY levels at the beginning of each year. Normal Mind has mental impression that if market goes up, they will make money. So, when they read that market would touch new highs – they become happy for nothing!!

What are the FACTS?

Legendary investors have always said – going wrong is NORMAL while investing. The problem comes when you STAY WRONG!! Today I am going to talk about one such WALL STREET personalities who has gone wrong almost 50% of the time and made tons of money. Yes, I am talking about CARL ICAHN.

Carl Icahn has taken over the mantle of Worlds Greatest Investor from Warren Buffett. Icahn has made a mind-boggling fortune from stocks despite having a win rate equal to the toss of a coin. How he achieved this remarkable feat is revealed by Bryan Rich of Forbes

Carl Icahn has an incredible investing track record, which surpasses that of Warren Buffett.

Bryan Rich of Forbes has revealed in his article Billionaire Carl Icahn's Winning Traits that Carl Icahn has compounded his wealth at an incredible CAGR of 31% since the year 1968. Carl's return since the year 2000 is an impressive 20%. He beat the S&P 500 by 4 to 1 over the period.

In contrast, Warren Buffett has compounded his wealth at a relatively modest CAGR of 19.5% in the same period from 1968 onwards.

In practical terms, if we had invested $1,000 with Warren Buffett, it would be worth about $5 million today. The same sum invested with Carl Icahn would be worth an eye-popping $400 million today.

This makes it clear that Carl Icahn has superior skill as compared to Warren Buffett.

Rich has analyzed Carl Icahn's investments from the year 1994 onwards and deduced that the Billionaire's Win Rate is merely 58%, which is almost equal to the result one would get from the toss of a coin. Out of the almost 100 stocks that Icahn purchased over the past 20 years, only a little more than half have been profitable.

However, what has made the difference to the ultimate result is that Icahn has put himself in the position *where a winning stock has delivered disproportionate result. The winners are almost twice that of his losers. While the average winner is +87%, the average loser is -49%.

(What it means that he has not sold loss-making shares but not added to them. Instead he added in rising stocks!!)

Four takeaways of Carl Icahn's investment philosophy:

Takeaway 1 – An investor need not have a high win rate. What he requires to ensure is that he does not lose much on his losing stocks and wins more on his winning stocks.

Takeaway 2 – Make concentrated bets where you are certain of winning big.

Takeaway 3 – Be patient - There is no better way to explain this than to see Carl Icahn's interview where he revealed the real secret behind his success is the fact that the real money that I made over the years is holding companies for 7, 8, 9 years and keeping them ….

Takeaway 4 – Don't be afraid to take risks or to suffer losses:

Takeaway 5 - Stay alert to changing circumstances and churn the portfolio.

One more takeaway that can be added to the four takeaways listed above is that one must keep one's eyes and ears alert to changing circumstances. We call it GROUND REALITIES in DESTINY MANAGEMENT.


He has said there are only two sins NORMAL GUYS commit. They act without thinking properly or they do not act at all.

Most guys do not act when market is down and when market goes up – they come and buy without thinking. They never make money due to this and then they blame their LUCK / MARKET. Due to above two qualities – they never make big money and they end up wrongly concluding that it is difficult to make money from stock market. 

What NEXT?

I have devised TRADING and INVESTMENT SYSTEM from the experiences of the GREAT investors like CARL / BUFFETT /RAKESH / SOROS and many others.

I teach them FREE of cost to all my clients to make a lasting difference in their LIFE and in their generations. If you want to make a DIFFRENCE in your LIFE – do approach us NOW.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 /

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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