If you KNOW you will be “NO MORE” TOMORROW – how will you pass your TODAY?

Thursday, October 13, 16

If you KNOW you will be “NO MORE” TOMORROW – how will you pass your TODAY?

Greetings from Hitesh! Our last post on Books Billionaires read has been appreciated by all success minded readers. Many were surprised that HISTORY and BIOGRAPHIES can make so much difference in people’s life. Many have resolved to start reading them.

Let me deal with the above SUBJECT MATTER.

March 2014:-

We were among the first to talk categorical about WORLD WAR 3 like situations way back in MARCH 2014. We had also said that READ this and you will be AHEAD by 10 years then NORMAL guys who does not READ our post.

Many were surprised / Many were skeptic about happening of such event and many just laughed at our VISION. But there were few serious SEEKERS – who believed in us and they decided to prepare themselves for the JUDGEMENT DAY.


Putin orders all Russian children and relatives studying abroad to return to the ‘motherland’ as he ‘prepares for WWIII’ – The Sun -https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/1962638/putin-orders-all-russian-children-and-relatives-studying-abroad-to-return-to-the-motherland-as-he-prepares-for-wwiii/

China Officially Orders Citizens To Prepare For World War 3

Just see two of the biggest economies are readying for the war.


You can’t make money by doing OBVIOUS things in life. Look at all the SUCCESSFUL guys in all the areas. They all thought something out of the box during their time / they believed in them / they took drastic actions to fulfill their dreams in spite of the criticism and non-support of the people around them. They all paid a HUGE price in all areas of their life.

Look at all the GODLY personalities all over the world – JESUS / MOHAMMAD / BUDDH / MAHAVIR / KRISHNA / RAM / KABIR / NANAK and the list can go on. They all had the precedence of some or the other GODLY personalities before them. They did not follow them. They all found out their own way of TRUTH and today we made it a RELIGION of their way!!

Normal guys have no GUTS to find out his own WAY – so he simply follows what they have said. The THIN LINE of difference between above guys and NORMAL guys is: -  The above guys were DOING as their BEING was asking them to do. But NORMAL guys are doing 100% REVERSE – They are DOING so that they can BECOME like them!!

This is SELF CHEATING. When you cheat yourself – if other cheats you – you will not complain. This is one of the SUBCONSCIOUS reasons for India suffering so many attacks and injustice in the last 1200 years and not retaliating it. Just think on this.

We all have thousands of years of TRAINED mind under social influence. We always DO – to BECOME something or gain something. This is not workable in life / investments and spiritual journey. You have to BE first to DO something. That’s why LORD KRISHNA talked about following in chapter 2 of GITA slok 47.

The verse is—
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन 
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि -४७

In Roman scripts—
Karmanye vadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana,
Ma Karmaphalaheturbhurma Te Sangostvakarmani

If your MIND is DOING mind – you will never understand the above.

This SLOK talks about BEING and then DOING. When you BE first – you DON’T want ANY RESULTS out of it!! BEING itself is the RESULT!!

What NEXT?

We are doing 100% different in the field of investments education. We were the first to start FEE based education system way back in 1996. In those days 9 out of 10 people were not ready to pay for EDUCATION. Today also the same situations prevails. But I am not changing my ways as I am doing what my BEING tells me to do. I am not doing something to GAIN something. Fees are just 5% of my total income in last 10 years. I am EDUCATING because that gives me IMMENSE INNER JOY. JOY is MY BEST Results/GAIN.

We are preparing our investors holistically in all areas of their life. If you like our approach – you can approach us for CORRECT INVESTMENT EDUCATION.

We always keep our investor’s way ahead of the EXPERTS and MARKET EVENTS. We are prepared. Let war come.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /  WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 / www.hiteshmparikh.com

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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