Everybody is Talking about SURGICAL STRIKE on LOC, but what about on SMALL INVESTORS on THURSDAY 29th Sep.,2016 at 12.30pm?

Monday, October 3, 16

Everybody is Talking about SURGICAL STRIKE on LOC, but what about on SMALL INVESTORS on THURSDAY 29th Sep.,2016 at 12.30pm?

Greetings from Hitesh! After a long time MEDIA got a SUBJECT to talk – thanks to Indian’s Army’s Surgical Strike. Everywhere there were talks about what next? At some places – people fired the CRACKERS. Overall the period was BUSY / Full of uncertainty / Worry / Sentiment driven. When such things happen – NORMAL guys loses the FOCUS on their goals and they also join the PARTY.

How SMART investors PLAYED on that day?

SEBI statistics said that FIIs bought shares worth of Rs.3400 Crs and DIIs bought shares worth of Rs.1600 Crs on 29th Sep.,2016.

The ODD thing in the total game was – the strike was over by 4.30am and the news was given at 12.25pm!!

I have checked about the past surgical strike in NORTH EAST – it was in the news at the right time / yesterday Night’s attack by Parkistan in BARALMULLA is reported today morning NEWS PAPER. Why this news was not given in the morning?  I am not getting any logical ANSWERS.

My followers KNOW that I am not a NEWS person. I am a person of REALITY. I don’t TRADE to prove I am right or on my OPINON is right. I trade because MAKET TELLS ME to TRADE. Yes, market talks to me. (This is a poetic way of expression – the way some people say – GOD talks to them, I say Market talks to me).


Nifty Future made a high of 9031 on 8th Sep.,2016.  From that day to 29th Morning Nifty was very range bound. It was at 8846 in the morning of 29th Sep.,2016.

If you look at all the SEBI figures FIIs and DIIs were SELLERS than buyers during this period. They were not able to cover their SHORT from 9th to 29th!!

This NEWS took the NIFTY down to 8604 and stocks were down by 5-12% in just one hour. It means Nifty Future was down by 240 points or about 3%.

In this SURGICAL STRIKE they covered up their SHORTS and that’s why the NET FIGURES showed that they all bought stocks to the TUNE of Rs.5000 Crs.

All small guys roll over their positions in the morning at the TOP prices!!



At 1.07pm we had sent the list of shares they should buy for 10 to 15% gain. Today all of them are praising us for our timely market reading and advise.

What NEXT?

This is just one EXAMPLE how proper SKILL SETS can help you make money in the PANIC. You need support of GUYS like HITESH PARIKH during such days only. ACTION on such day can create a GREAT IMPACT on your FINANCIAL DESTINY in SHORT TERM AND IN THE LONG TERM.

Those who are paying us are not INCURRING COST or WASTING THEIR MONEY. They DO NOT HAVE EXTRA MONEY. They ENJOY our SKILL SETS and make tons of money in all the situations by paying us very small fees.

If you really want to make big money – just approach us today and make your DIWALI a HAPPY DIWALI and you’re your NEW YEAR – a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR.
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Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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