STRATEGY for moving from 34th place to 2nd place in just 20 years!!

Monday, August 22, 16

STRATEGY for moving from 34th place to 2nd place in just 20 years!!

Greetings from Hitesh! The readers have appreciated our post on CORRUPTION. Many intelligent guys could see the coming scenario the way we perceive. They have decided to start their own investment venture in the weekend. Many are still waiting to approach us. Today I am going to share a REAL STRATEGY grow your position – where ever you are in your life.

Let us deal with RIO OLYMPIC first. The show is over and we are back with just 2 medals. Our ACE SHOOTER ABHINAV BINDRA has reportedly said the following…..

“The cost of one Olympic medal for the UK is 5.5 million Pounds - that is roughly Rs. 48 crore per medal. So if India wanted 10 medals at Rio Games, it should ideally have invested at least Rs 480 crore on those medal winners”.

The question Bindra indirectly wants us to ask all the authorities who run Olympic sports in India is do they invest that much of money on our athletes for the country to expect these many medals.

Perhaps, India should take the example of Great Britain and learn from them how increased sports budget for Olympics have resulted in more medals.

Since the Beijing Games in 2008, Great Britain increased its funding to Olympic sports by a whopping 16 per cent. As a result, they've risen in the Olympic ranks from 34th spot at the Atlanta Games in 1996 to third spot at London Games in 2012 to already second place in Rio Games.

In RIO – it has won 27 GOLD / 23 Silver and 17 BRONZE. Total medals are 67!!

If you look back from 1996 to till now – BRITAIN had given time / efforts and resources to make it to 2nd place in RIO.

All good things in life takes time / efforts / resources and lot of patience.

How does this relate to your investment performance?

You all have invested time and money in your educations. Now, you are earning money due to that. At some point of time the NORMAL guys starts believing that “He knows earning money, so he knows investment also!!”

Let me explain you why investment is the most difficult JOB under the SUN.

1.       You do not manage the company you are investing in!!
2.       You do not have the 100% correct information at all the time about the invested company.
3.       You have various players in the market – VERY BIG / BIG / GAMBLERS / TRADERS / INSTITUTIONS and COUNTRY WEALTH FUNDS ALSO.
4.       These guys have better information than the NORMAL guys.
5.       These guys have also got the DEEP POCKETS so that they can wait for 5-15 years after their investments – while small guys may not be able to wait that much.
6.       They have a DEFINITE GOAL to meet for their investors.

If you compare this with OLYMPIC you will see that you have USA / BRITAIN /CHINA with HUGE BUDGET and a GOAL to make it BIG in OLYMPIC.

No doubt BIG INVESTORS WIN OVER you. Unless you have SPECIFIC BIG GOALS – you will never be able to fight with them. You will end up your life with SILVER AND BRONZE just like INDIA.

You need PROPER EDUCATION for investments, however successful you are in your business or job. I have dedicated my life for proper investor education only.


The way GOPICHAND is training his players and producing winners – SANIA and SIDDHU are his products, DESTINY MANAGEMENT is also training investors and producing excellent investors.

Those who have not joined me are not because they have issues in paying my fees or learning investments. Their real issues are the lack of DESIRE To GROW/ LACK of BIG GOALS in their life / LACK of BIG DREAMS / LACK OF CHEST PAIN with their situations.

Let me DEAL with CHEST PAIN:-

How many of you will ARGUE with a DOCTOR when you have a CHEST PAIN? Your total FOCUS at that time will be to remove that pain first, am I right? You are ready to pay him anything/ sell your GOLD / sell your property / ready to borrow or beg, in case you have no money at all. Am I right?

Same way when you develop CHEST pain from your SITUATIONS in JOB / compromises you have to make due to lack of money in your life / injustices done to you and your kids due to lack of money – you will find it easy to listen to HITESH PARIKH.

You have NEVER compromised on EDUCATION in the right institute for your KIDS. Many would pay the DONATION along with the FEES – just to enter to that INSTITUTE. We don’t need DONATION but just bring that attitude alive when you deal with us.

Just give a thought to above and you may like to approach me today only. SEPTEMBER is about to START. HURRY UP.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /  WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 /

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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