WHY USA and WARREN BUFFETT are not buying GOLD?
August 24, 16
WHY USA and WARREN BUFFETT are not buying
Greetings from
Hitesh! Thanks a ton for liking my post on BON JOVI. Many have felt that LIFE
is HERE and NOW only. All other things are STORIES / BELIEFS and PERCEPTIONS.
May have joined us immediately. Thanks for taking decision. Somebody sent me a
saying - Just sharing “If you want to GROW,
your DESIRE for SUCCESS must be GREATER than FEAR of your FAILURE.” Where do
you STAND in terms of your desire of success and fear of failure?
Reading all about GOLD buying –
one of my young readers asked me how come USA is not buying GOLD? Are they
FOOLS? Incidentally, WARREN BUFFETT is also not buying GOLD. Let me deal with
some FACTS and you will get your ANSWERS.
Recently we wrote a post :- We are REVISING our GOLD
target to Rs.40000 plus on Friday, August 12, 16. In the same we had dealt with the
US history of last 135 years. In the same we had seen that USA was selling GOLD
at USD 35 per OUNCE and they sold 50% of the GOLD to the other countries during
1945 to 1971. USA was always interested in making USD a major currency and
those countries which refused to abide by them – were forced to engage in WAR
and they were wiped out.
Deep Study of US economy will tell
you that it is a WAR economy. There is a saying that GUN is a GAURANTEE of
PEACE. USA follows that 100%. It has the best war technology and resources to
fight with anybody.
USA has not only stopped with GUN.
It has made WROLD to use the USD as the most favorite currency. Today 70% of
the USD is outside of USA!! In other words, USA has no purchasing power!! When
USA has USD floating in the WORLD – they can manipulate the price of any asset
class they want. Just see the talks of FED increase or decrease rates affects
the prices of various asset classes. WORLD follows FED decision just because of
You would have come across some
penny stocks at Rs.1 to Rs.2. Now the promoters would have sold their 70% to
90% stake in the market!! The guys who have shares can’t do anything as they
are outside the companies. They can’t get united and with just 10 % to 30%
stock the management takes other 90% to 70% investors for a ride. US is doing the same with the WROLD.
World has 70% USD and US has 30%
USD. Now, if you do DADAGIRI, US can just change the CURRENCY and your entire USD
holding become USELESS. You will see that is happening in some time.
So, countries other than USA are
buying GOLD.
Over the years USA has given the
USD to the entire world, created massive DEBT in his balance sheet and
accumulated major natural resources. Now it has GUN, so you can’t bother it for
your money.
What USA has done and no
MEDIA is talking about it? (That’s why we ask you not to follow MEDIA).
It has given the world DOLLAR,
collected the NATURAL resources (which are must for sustaining the life) and it
has the best WAR MACHINERY so you will not be able to demand your money!!
Knowing GOLD is USELESS for
SUSTAINING LIFE – it has sold it many times!! COMEX positions shows that JP
MORGAN controls the 20% of the OPEN CONTRACTS!! It was the biggest SHORTER of
GOLD in the HISTORY of GOLD SHORTING!! It has covered up the all the shorts and
it is in net buying now. Just read this information.
Based upon COT and Bank Participation Reports data, last December 4, 2015 JPMorgan had a net short position in
COMEX gold futures of approximately 75,000 contracts. This position represented
20.5% of the true net open interest on that date (once 68,648 spread contracts
were removed from total open interest of 434,416 contracts). On that date, the
price of gold was $1700. While it is difficult for many (including the CFTC) to
grasp the concept that a corner could exist on the short side of the market,
surely no one would argue against a 20.5% concentrated share of a major
regulated futures market by a single entity would constitute manipulation and a
It was this corner on the short side of COMEX gold futures by
JPMorgan that provided the incentive and led to the subsequent $500 decline in
the price of gold into the end of June. On the historic price decline in gold
over the first half of 2013, JPMorgan booked profits on their short side gold
market corner (of over $2 billion in my estimate) and continued to rig prices
lower in order to establish their current long side corner of 85,000 contracts,
or 25% of the true net open interest in COMEX gold futures (minus spreads).
You can’t go from being 75,000 contracts (7.5 million oz) net
short to 85,000 contracts (8.5 million oz) net long in an instant or in a week
or a month. You can’t snap your fingers and buy the equivalent of 16 million oz
of gold, regardless of whether you have the money to leverage derivatives with
a notional value of $25 billion. It took JPMorgan nine months to buy 160,000
net COMEX gold futures contracts (16 million oz), at an average monthly rate of
around 18,000 contracts (1.8 million oz) from Dec 4 thru 12th August
They sold the GOLD 247 times in FUTURES against 1
unit of PHYSICAL GOLD!! Can you see the price coming down from 1800USD to
1050USD in 2013!!
(I am reading 7 LEADING NEWS PAPERS everyday along
with lot many magazines. Not a single guy has told me above information so far.
good money and time in getting the correct data from various agencies world
over. You will never CREATE SUSTAINABLE WEALTH by investing on FREE TIPS.)
I had a close watch on all these
figures all these years – which NO MEDIA was talking about. Along with this – I
have my own PROPRITORY SYSTEM of deciding the TREND of major asset classes.
Since I am dealing with NORMAL READERS – I avoid all JARGONS and make it as
simple as possible for my readers so that they can take the FAST DECISION. Some
SKEPTICS wasted their times in knowing REASONS!!
Let me ask those SKEPTICS – you
are going to DIE someday – will you be interested in knowing WHY? You will be
interested in SAVING your LIFE, if you can or if you can’t you will be
interested in doing a WILL. Am I right? So, we focus on the END RESULTS without much
talking about REASONS. Though we know all the reasons and we have required data
before we say something!!
Look at the LONG list of BERKSHIRE
and INSURANCE only. They are in USA. So, US government protects them.
Knowing this, he has never bought
guy we have seen in the HISTORY of investments – he is not touching the GOLD
due to that. But he always shared you the story of NO ECONOMIC / USE value of
GOLD and things like that. Though what he says is
FACT, but not the TRUTH of his own situation!! Understand this.
Why OTHER BIG investors as SHREWD as BUFFETT are buying
Other guys have made MONEY from
MONEY. They do not have back up of BUSINESSES like BUFFETT. They were pure
investors/traders and not BUSINESS INVESTORS like BUFFETT. Many fools do not
understand this basic difference when they talk about BUFFETT SUCCESS. In INDIA
– AJAY PIRAMAL is the LEADER in following BUFFETT model. RAKESH has started
following this model in the last DECADE.
So, other investors have to BUY GOLD,
as they know that USD will lose the VALUE going forward!!
In INDIA, Hitesh Parikh was the
first guy to have the GUTS to give BOLD calls for USD touching Rs.35 to Rs.40
in coming 5 years. We were also the first to talk about investing in GOLD and
SILVER. Our Jackpot call was to invest in property in June 2015 when leading
guys were talking about 50% SLUMP in property prices in Mumbai!! They have
proved 100% wrong.
Many jokers were laughing on us when
we gave the calls but like all other calls
- USD call will also go 100% right. Just see.
What about individual investors?
If you are US based NRI – I have
said in 2014 to invest 5 % of your NETWORTH in India every year. For 2016, I
have increased that amount to 15%!! Just
follow this.
You can also BUY GOLD in USA.
MUTUAL FUNDS / NO SIP / NO FUND OF FUNDS. They can also take you for a ride.
LOCKER AND have a sound SLEEP.
If you are INDIAN investors or other
investors – just buy GOLD to the extent of 20% of your ASSETS (not your
What NEXT?
LIFE is Now or NEVER. If you are
not consciously taking a call to follow HITESH PARIKH, you are unconsciously
relying on CHANCES/MEDIA and your LUCK.
BON JOVI had said later in the
song :-
Tomorrow's getting harder make no mistake
Luck ain't even lucky
Got to make your own breaks
Tomorrow is going to be difficult. If you are not
following us – you are making mistake.
If you are relying
on LUCK – he says – LUCK is also NOT LUCKY to save you everytime!!
If you are relying
on your PENSION or your GOVERNMENT – you are making mistake. Make your own
I love ANTHONY ROBBINS for this
“In the moment of your DECISION – your DESINY is SHAPED”
Just contact us before it is too late.
Have a THOUGHTFUL week
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /
WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 / www.hiteshmparikh.com
Live With
Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.
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