TOP SECRET UNREVEALED - Why Mr.Narendra Modi Is Doing (What He Is Doing)? Understand His Strategy For India.

03 June 2015

TOP SECRET UNREVEALED - Why Mr.Narendra Modi Is Doing (What He Is Doing)? Understand His Strategy For India.

Greetings from Hitesh! Thanks for being my regular reader and thanks to Google – many new readers are also joining on regular basis. I thank each one of you for reading my posts and sending their feedback to me. Now, let us understand Mr.Modi’s Strategy for India. How he plans to bring ACCHE DIN? I am sure nobody will tell you this – the way we are telling.

Let us understand the Ground Realities When Mr.Narendra Modi Came To Power.

1.  Mr.Narendra Modi  had travelled all over India and he knew what Indians want is ACCHE DIN. So, he coined his campaign on ACCHE DIN. People also liked his IDEA and he became PM.
2.  When Mr.Narendra Modi became PM – he got the Poor Balance Sheet from the last Government. The country did not have the money at all!!
3.  The Losing Party had / has the liquidity but it was/is out of the main channel, as they lost. They will not invest as they are afraid to disclose the sources and fear of losing control over their wealth. Another reason for them not to invest is Strategic. If they invest and liquidity comes back to main channel – Mr.Narendra Modi will get the CREDIT. So they want do. These are the main reasons – why there is severe liquidity issue in the MARKET.
4.  China is already a Manufacturing King in the WORLD. To copy him would be disastrous as Mr.Narendra Modi can’t break the CITY and create new city the way CHINESE are doing. (After being in MAJORTIY, he can’t pass the land bill as it is in one shot and he does not have liquidity – so big investments and drastic steps are out of the question for him at this juncture). If at all he produces – he will have to sell on CREDIT to the WESTERN Countries (the main consumers)– the way China is selling. As the Customers are also bankrupt!! In short, Mr.Narendra Modi can’t push Manufacturing in India.
5.  India has the FEDERAL MODEL of Democracy – so, we have one government at CENTRE and other at local levels. This makes it difficult Foreign Companies to do business in India. Moreover, they are also following the wait and watch at this juncture. So that money is also not available in a big way.

Now let us understand what MR.NARENDRA MODI is doing?

As seen above – he did not have MONEY / POWER to take DRASTIC steps (Media is calling him HITLER even now) – so he decided to concentrate on DEMORGRAPHY of India. He has only one ASSET – majority of Young and Educated Population with ambitious for Growth. Let me share some examples of his strategy.

1.  He travelled all over the world to look for the opportunities for his populations. Most countries have agreed to Relax Visa Restrictions for Indians.
2.  The way foreign companies are coming to India, he is motivating Indian Entrepreneurs to go out of India and start doing business in other countries also.
3.  He invited FDI in 100% central controlled area like DEFENCE and SERVICE industries which is easy to manage.
4.  Let me share an example of E-tailers like Flipkart. We know it is loss making company – still Foreigners are investing. This is due to Mr.Modi’s strategy. Let me deal with this.
5.  Flipkart or Snapdeal and many such companies have become the part of our shopping habits now. People check the prices on these sites before buying from the STORE or online. For Government – if you buy online - The advantage is that they get TAX income which the normal retailers are not paying fully. Most buying is done through Credit or Debit Cards – so money remains in the channel!! They can track the buyers also.
6.  Just to share an example – you have hired a house maid and you are paying Rs.2000 per month. Now you neither deduct any tax from her salary and nor pay service tax. But if you hire her through Housekeeping site – she will have to pay the tax and you will have to pay Service TAX - Do you understand now – why they increased Service TAX to 14%?

How to see MR.NARENDRA MODI’s Strategy in Nutshell?

He is focusing on SERVICE Sector. More and more people do job – they get salary – they have to pay the tax!! Mostly TDS will be deducted. You will get more jobs in SERVICE Sector and not Manufacturing Sector.
More you buy online – he gets service tax and other taxes from that also.

By focusing abroad – he is trying to generate jobs and business opportunities for us.

In short, he is creating a NEW INDIA!! So, ACCHE DIN will surely come slowly and gradually.

What it means for NORMAL GUY?

If you are a normal guy reading this – be ready to do service or any online business. You will be paying lot many taxes – which your father was saving!! With taxes applicable everywhere – you will end up paying more and more prices. So, more and more expenses for you!!

To generate more income will be difficult as there is a competition among service providers also!!

The only way to generate additional income or multiply your current income is through INVESTMENTS. Looking at the above picture – Investment will be the only fall back you have going forward.

So, start investing NOW. If you are looking for sure shot guidance for Investment – you are welcome to contact Destiny Management.

Have a Great Day Ahead.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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