928 Households Controls 20% of Financial Wealth & it is growing at CAGR of 26%!!

June 19, 2015

928 Households Controls 20% of Financial Wealth & it is growing at CAGR of 26%!!

Greetings from Hitesh! It is often said FACTS are more Interesting than FICTION!! Boston consulting group has come out with their report. The above data is taken from it. India is a country of around 125 Cr people. If we assume, just 5 persons per family than there are 25 Cr families in India. Out of 25 Cr families – we have just 928 families who are sitting at the TOP!!

Situation in Other Countries:-

In USA there are 5201 families / in china there are 1037 families / in UK there are 1019 families and in Germany there are 679 families.  India stands at 4th place ahead of Germany with 928 families.

Let us Look at the LARGER PICUTURE:-

There are about 6 billion people on earth and 1.20 billion families (assuming 5 persons per family). Out of this there are about 7000 to 10000 families i.e. around 50000 people are having 20% or more wealth!!

Rate of Growth of their Wealth:-

The most interesting aspect is growth rate of there wealth. It is Growing at 26% Compounded Annual Growth Rate!! To put this in perspective – they are doubling their wealth at every 2 years and 8 months!!

How many of you have READ The above NEWS ITEM in MEDIA?

It was given in the MINT newspaper of 17th June. Many would have read and many would have heard also.  Many guys are aware about these FACTS without reading also.

If they all are knowing and aware about this – how come they are doing what they keep doing what they have been always doing?

They keep on doing JOB. They keep on worrying for getting better job. Better pay. Better education for their kids. They go for retirement solutions and things like that. They invest in postal schemes where they get their monies doubled in 8 years and 4 months and such other investments.

If they are really aware about the FACTS, they would have surely done something to come out of the RAT RACE. Rather then coming out of it – they try to win the RAT RACE!! Somebody has said – if you win the RATE RACE – You will still be a RAT only!!

What is my personal Call?

All financial literature and investment consultants talk about PERFECT MARKET THEORY. This is by far the biggest lie being told to all. If market is perfect – why the hell some 50000 guys have all the wealth?

Some Wall Street Jokers have criticized Warren Buffett for telling the above Truth and entering into their domain by beating them in their own game. He did not start the businesses but he invested in businesses.

At Destiny Management we are also doing the same. We invest in Businesses the way Businessmen invest. We also go through the mental pain of Business Cycle the way every businessman goes through. From my experiences I can tell you that this tension is 100 times better than the tension of doing the job / keeping the job and worrying for Promotion and retirement!

I may or may not reach to the TOP 50000 people in the World, but the fact that I am on the right path is giving me inner happiness in my life. It also gives me a probability that I may reach to the TOP some day!

If you also want to change your DESTINY and deep desire to live your life at your terms and conditions – do join DESTINY MANAGEMENT.  

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh and join me on WhatsApp on +91 986 942 5399.

Have a Fantastic Friday.

Hitesh Parikh


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