Do You Know Real Secret of Warren Buffett is nothing but Pure Honesty?

Monday, 20th April 2015

Do You Know Real Secret of Warren Buffett is nothing but Pure Honesty?

Greetings from Hitesh! Thanks a lot for being a regular reader. Your feedback and questions gives me an idea of your thought process. Many have asked questions to deal with success of Warren Buffett. Today I am going to deal with that.

Honesty of Warren Buffett V/s. Honesty of Normal Guy:-

They say Honesty is the Best Policy. I have studied all the Annual letters + all the books written on Mr.Buffett and I have found that his kind of Honesty is the chief reason for his success. Does it mean all other guys are not Honest / less Honest or Dishonest?

I can’t comment about you as I do not know you and your life. But I have a simple test of Honesty. You can take this test and decide about your level of Honesty. Answer this simple question.

Do You Believe in God?

More than 90% will say - Yes. Am I right? Now let me ask you another question – have you seen GOD? Have you verified yourself that GOD exists? Do you have any proof for the same? I am sure not even 1% would have taken the trouble of searching the above answers.

When you buy anything – you ask for a guarantee / reference / proof / trial or third party verification. Even a house wife makes sure that the vegetables are fresh before she buys. But when it comes to GOD – you just believe that HE is there. You do not Verify or Search the Truth Yourself. You just want to rely on your GURUs or Religious books or your parents.

The fun comes for those also who believe there is no GOD. They too have no proofs or verifications when it comes to non-existence of God.

The Biggest Dishonesty:-

According to my view this is the biggest dishonesty in somebody’s life. He is ready to kill the other guy for his Belief in his GOD. But since he has not searched or found out the GOD, when he becomes senior citizens, he fear the DEATH most. To forget that fear he goes to TEMPLES and stay in a group for the maximum times. They spend the maximum time in doing Puja and other rituals. Since they talk about GOD without realising Him  – they get the most pain at the time of their death. I have also seen that those who have realised the GOD – they go peacefully and happily.

Honesty of Arujun:-

While dealing with Honesty – I just remember the example of Arjun in Mahabharata. Lord Krishna was with him in Human Body. (We are not that much fortunate). Still he asked many questions to Him before getting ready for a Fight. Do you have guts to ask questions to your GURU? Have you verified that the person whom you believe as your GURU has seen GOD? (Remember the honesty of Swami Vivekananda)

Our normal guy will believe his Religious Preacher / Guru without asking him. Many times their Gurus are like Parrot – they just repeat what is written in their Religious Book without realising the Truth. Since he is Not Honest with this aspect – he is not honest when it comes to investments.

He will buy any share, if he just gets a FREE TIP!! The Funny aspect comes when the Media Analyst recommends a share and tells he has no position in that share – still our NORMAL GUY buys this share!!
He will marry any girl – if Jyotish tells him that Horoscope Matches!! I can share many such examples like this.

How Buffett’s Honesty is Pure?

Buffett is Agnostic in word and practice. He does not talk for or against God. So, when he invests – he does not rely on Market or other proofs. He has said many times –“I am not wrong because market disagrees with me and I am not right because market agrees with me. I am right because my analysis and logic says so.” He takes trouble to do his own study and own TRUTH.

For analysis he relies purely on past performance (actual data) and not management. Many times normal guy buys shares because it belongs to Ambani / Tata or Birla. Buffett says – “I will invest in a business which any fool can run, because sooner or later some Fool will come.” So, management is not the criteria for him.

If a particular GURU has more followers – the normal guy will go to that GURU – assuming that he must be a great guy. Normal guy follows this when he invests....

How Normal Guy Invests?

1.  Most guys follow media analysts – he will also follow that.
2.  Most small investors invest in Mutual Funds – he will also do that.
3.  Most guys buy small qty shares of large number of companies. He will also do that. They call it diversification??
4.  When market falls – they are the most Panicked Guys, in spite of having done what all others have done. ( if you have realised the truth about your company, you will not panic when market falls. You will buy more!!)

What is my Call?

I am not here to preach you. I am here to make you think. I am not a preacher but practitioners. My whole life is a solid proof of what I am talking. I am on my journey towards the TRUTH.

I always keep ARJUN /Buffett and Vivekananda in my mind when I deal with the situations. It gives me an Inspirations and Guts to take my HONESTY to the next levels. The results are lot of money, lot of self satisfaction and lot of happiness.

If you want to reach to the TOP in any area – you will have to become HONEST with yourself first.

Have a Great Week Ahead.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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