The ultimate predictions for the SAMVAT 2081. If money making is your GOAL – this year is for you.

1st November 2024


The ultimate predictions for the SAMVAT 2081. If money making is your GOAL – this year is for you.  


Dear Investors,


HAPPY NEW YEAR DEAR READERS! Just see the attached photo. It says - 1stNovember and time is 11:11. All one. The unique combination today is – New year after 6.16pm. ( Since the Tithi is starting after SUNSET – most astrologers are considering AMAVASYA. They are Right). But the date remains till 12am in the night and 1st Tithi starts at 6.16pm. So, the combination of Tithi / Date is 1. When one is the number – you just don’t have to think twice – It’s the NEW BEGINNING in all areas. 

 New Samvatsar starts on 1st November 2024 at 6.16pm. I have taken Mumbai time. You can prepare the horoscope, If you wish. I am just sharing the conclusions.


Now, the real BEAUTY – The Lagna rising is MESH LAGNA. It is also Number 1. Incidentally, today MUHURAT TRADING is also between 6 to 7pm. So, this time MUHURAT TRADING TIME / NEW YEAR STARTING TIME both tallies. Before I deal with this – let us understand the meaning of the name ANAL Samvatsar. 




Anal means Fire. We are already seeing FIRE / WAR and more such situations which can lead to negative events in the coming year. One of the qualities of fire is purifying by burning. Gold and Man becomes pure with Fire and TAPA ( Penance). So, this is a year for Transformation. Transformation can happen only and only when you leave OLD and accept the NEW. 


Now, let us see what the HOROSCOPE of the NEW YEAR SAYS. 



1.   The total of 1/11/2024 is 11. When one is repeated, there are tons of positive things.  But the most negative aspect is that 1 can't be divided. It means the EGO will be the ruling emotion for SAMVAT 2081. EGO means fighting and fighting. EGO means FIRE. So, the fire will burn for some more time. 


2.   If you look at the horoscope, MESH LAGNA lord MARS is sitting in the 4th house of DEBILITATION and it stays there till June 2025. About 8 months. 4th house is a house of property / mother and happiness. 


If you look at the WAR going on – the warring countries are fighting for the LAND area only. This can continue and will intensify. 


Happiness of the people will be affected due to the EGOISTIC behaviour of the rulers. Egoistic comments by them can spark the fighting in the communities inside the country. 


Happiness in personal life will be affected by the Egoistic behaviour of the family members with each other. 


Earth temperature will move on. Rains will be inadequate and there will be food inflation in the coming year. 


Tons of changes will come in the way businesses are carried on and overall relationships will have a new dimension in the coming year. Ratio of  Divorce / Separations can increase drastically. 


3.   The best aspect of the year is MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITIES. I see the highest number of BILLIONAIRES will be added in the world’s richest list by next Diwali or tons of wealth is created by select top guys.   


The yearly horoscope says those who have GUTS / SKILLS and Intelligence will make the best use of the opportunities in the next year. So, those who have money making goals – just check yourself for the above qualities. 


Those who are passing MARS / VENUS or MERCURY DASHA or combination of them as per their horoscope – will make the best MONEY.  Take support of the learned astrologer to know personal predictions for the coming year. 



4.   LAGNA LORD MARS is making an exchange with VENUS / MOON. MARS is the lord of 1/8th house. Moon is the lord of the 4th house. Venus is the lord of 2nd and 7thhouses. So, 1/2/4/7/8 are getting exchanged. Mars, Mercury, Rahu and Venus are making a TRIANGLE. Saturn is aspecting Venus. This means whatever negative events will happen will happen with the support of the TOP people and the sole objective will be MONEY and PROPERTY. Just focus on MONEY HONEY. Women’s exploitation will increase drastically. 


5.   Jupiter and Saturn both are retrograde and aspecting Venus. Rahu is always retrograde and aspecting Venus. Ketu is making a triangle with Venus. It means people will go for SHORT CUT to make money. Since the energy of JUPITER and SATURN is not supportive – SHORTCUT seekers will lose their last shirt.


6.   Venus will be in MEENA RASHI for 4 months starting from January to May 2025. In 12th house. Venus becomes EXALTED in MEENA rashi. It means the best of the results of VENUS will be seen during that time. This will be a very eventful period for STOCK MARKET INVESTORS. 7 planets combination on 30th March 2025 is also going to happen in 12th house. So, those whose horoscopes and skills are supportive will make unbelievable money at the touch of the button in investing. That’s why we said the highest number of BILLIONAIRES will be added or Highest Wealth Creation for some top guys will happen. 


7.   Jupiter is also making TRIANGLE with KETU. Those who can go to NOMIND state will have the right understanding of the hidden moves of the TOP peoples and its effect on the market. They will go beyond obvious. Do MEDITATIONS under proper GURU, if you want to go beyond mind. 


8.   Sun and moon are in the 7th house and make a triangle with retrograde Saturn. This means the people will be demanding from the leaders and leaders have to change their stand looking at the masses. 


9.   Luckily, Modi Ji’s period is changing for better from December 2024 and he will be able to take head on with negative forces inside the country and outside the country. 


What Next? 


This post is 3rd post for the year 2025. I am not seeing NEGATIVITY for India as also told in the past posts. Focus on developing your money making skill sets and you will bless me in the next Diwali for sure. 


One again – wish you all a Very Happy New Year. 


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.


Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.


Hitesh Parikh.



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