What to Expect in the MARKET in 2024? Must be read by all Investors.
7th December 2024
What to Expect in the MARKET in 2024? Must be read by all Investors.
Dear Fellow Investors,
Namaste! We are about the enter into the year 2024. We have already talked about the likely investment scenario in all the markets in 2024. Today we are sharing with you the finer details – if you follow the same, the year 2024 will turn out to be the best year of your life in terms of money-making from any of the asset classes you are planning to invest. Let us start with the TRUTH of INVESTMENTS first.
Jesse Livermore, my favourite trader of the early 20th Century - had said “The game of speculation is the most uniformly fascinating game in the world. But it is not a game for the stupid, the mentally lazy, the person of inferior emotional balance, or the get-rich-quick adventurer. They will die poor.”
The KEYWORDS in the above are - stupid, the mentally lazy, the person of inferior emotional balance, or the get-rich-quick adventurer
According to me STUPID is a person who believes that he can get something for nothing. These are the people who can be the most successful in their specific area or profession but when it comes to Investing – they want FREE. They are not ready to pay the price in terms of FEES / in terms of LEARNING / in terms of PATIENCE.
The Mentally Lazy is a guy who believes that he doesn’t need to apply his MIND or COMMONSENSE. He does what everybody does. They are BRAINWASHED people and they believe that there can be one solution for all. So, rather than doing their own planning/thinking – they copy the MASSES. If the masses are going for SIP – they will go for SIP. If the masses are going for GOLD BONDS – they will also buy. If the masses are going for INSURANCE – they will also buy insurance. Their BRAIN simply lacks the agility to THINK.
The person of inferior emotional balance:- Average investors in the market are full of EGO / GREED and FEAR. When his call goes wrong – rather than accepting that the market is always right – he will blame the market – system – brokers – advisors or their luck. They are simply not ready to blame themselves for their mistakes.
In the last 30 years - I have always advised all my readers/clients to follow the HOLISTIC process of working on all the 5 areas of success and happiness – VASTU – HIMSELF – HIS RESOURCES – HIS SKILL SETS – HIS LUCK. Very few are ready to follow the process in totality as they are operating from EGO – that they don’t need or they know all or they are operating from FEAR – that they will incur expenses. They focus on EXPENSE and not the BENEFITS of working with a personal Destiny Manager like Hitesh Parikh. Their EGO hurts.
The get-rich-quick adventurer: -
I have dealt with businessmen – professionals – intellectuals and successful people in various areas when they come to the stock market in the last 30 years.
90% of them want QUICK money. They want a KID in a MONTH by making 9 women pregnant. That is not possible. They have seen their life and their journey to success in their respective areas. Most have taken 10000 hours or more of initial struggle or 1000 days of struggle before they became successful in their areas. We always tell our clients to be with us for 3 years. Those who remain with us for 3 years – they become sure of long-lasting success in the market. They earn PROFITS for a lifetime after this period. Most people do not have that PATIENCE and that’s why there are so many stories of failures in the market.
Curtis Faith of TURTLE TRADER FAME had once said “In investing and trading, the vast market consists of amateurs….
1. Who are looking for magical answers to make lots of money quickly and with little risk.
2. They want specific ideas.
3. They want to be told exactly what to do.
Those looking for such things will not find them. They will not be successful as long as they continue to favour the easy over the truth.” ( we have shared the TRUTH above).
What MARKET Promises in 2024?
If you have read the above post with patience – I am going to deal with the market promise in 2024.
1. It promises a playing field, not the game.
2. It promises to reward risk, not proportionately.
3. It promises opportunity, it does not promise profits.
4. It promises a lesson, not learning.
5. It promises that the quality of indicators and analysis is proportionate to the quantity of participants, not quality.
Most ego-centric Investors will not like what I have said above but I think it is important that we all must know the TRUTH before we invest. READ THE ABOVE-FIVE PROMISES as many times as you can. The same goes for LIFE.
What You Should Do BEFORE You INVEST in the year 2024?
Know The Game:- Investing is the most difficult of games: nowhere else does one begin a career by opposing the world’s most accomplished professionals. So, you need to master the rules of investing. If you have no patience and time to know the rules and practice them, you will not be successful.
Understand The Risk:- RISK is the possibility of loss. That is, if we own some stock, and there is a possibility of a price decline, we are at risk. The stock is not the risk, nor is the loss the risk. The possibility of loss is the risk. As long as we own the stock, we are at risk. The only way to control the risk is to buy or sell stock. In the matter of owning stocks, and aiming for profit, risk is fundamentally unavoidable and the best we can do is to manage the risk.
Explore the Opportunity:- Success is the meeting point at which talent and skill meet opportunity. One may or may not have TALENT but he can always use somebody’s TALENT at a small fee (say Hitesh Parikh’s Talent), work constantly and never-ending in the areas of developing his skills, and go on exploring all the opportunities.
Make Learning A Habit:- Analyse your trades past 3 to 5 years, it will give you a base for your learning. Ask yourself, why did you do a particular trade? Was it based on logic, facts, or tips? If you continue to do what you have done in the past 5 years, where will you be in the next 5 years?
Follow the Indicators:- The market tells the truth, but often there is a lie buried in the human interpretations. Surrender to the truth and not to your opinions. If you follow what I have said, I am sure you will have a solid foundation to make tons of money in the year 2024.
What NEXT?
Congratulate yourself – if you have read this post with PATIENCE and without expectations of MAGICAL TIPS. Whether you follow the above or not – you will remember this post in DECEMBER 2024 for sure.
If you like our TALENT to predict the market – help you manage your personal destiny – and our Holistic way of working towards the fulfillment of your dreams, you are welcome to join us.
If you follow our holistically designed system, I am sure, you and your generations will bless me for life.
DECIDE NOW. Your decision NOW will decide your DESTINY in 2024 and your lifetime.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion & Invest with Reason.
Hitesh Parikh.
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