How do we see the Hindu New Year Vikram Samvat – 2080?
1st October 2024
How do we see the Hindu New Year Vikram Samvat – 2080?
Dear Fellow Travelers,
Namaste! On 7th October 2022
Who will make tons of money?
The MARS and MERCURY are outside the RAHU – KETU axis. They are not affected at all. What’s more, MARS is getting EXALTED too due to sitting in a MERCURY HOUSE. It means those who have GUTS and INTELLIGENCE will see the hidden motives of the vested interest people and take action when the masses run away.
We have seen those who stay invested or invested in MARCH 2023 – make t
ons of money so far this year.
The point is – if you want to make big money you need ACCURATE GUIDANCE for the coming time. With the GRACE of MY GURU – ACCURACY is my SPECIALITY.
Now let us deal with the coming year.
Vikram Samvat 2080 – Samvatsar RAKSHASH. Start 13th November 2023 to 2nd November 2024. All the predictions are made for the above durations only.
Time of start – 13th November 2023. 14.56pm. IST. I have prepared the Mumbai horoscope being a financial capital.
The person who believes in only enjoying fruits without doing Karma. He is lazy. He is not ready to do anything in the right way. All he knows is beg - borrow or steal. Enjoy life KINGSIZE. This is typical CHARWAK philosophy – take a loan and enjoy life as we don’t know - what will happen after death?
So, snatching other people’s – money and resources and using it - is the THEME of the coming year.
What does the horoscope say?
You can prepare the horoscope based on the above details. I am writing the conclusions to make it easy for normal readers.
1. Meen Lagna rising and Lagna is occupied by RAHU. Guru is in the second house and retrograde. RAHU is Rakshash. He is in the LAGNA. So, get ready for the ride by the top people. This one combination also says there could be an outbreak of some disease and people get affected by the same. While writing about the COVID horoscope in 2020 – we had said we would see 7 variants of the same till 2026. We were laughing when the YouTubers were predicting COVID has gone!!
2. Guru is in the second house aspected by SUN / MOON / MARS / SHANI and RAHU is NEXT. The LAGNA lord is getting positive and negative energy in full. So, those who use the coming time with COMMONSENSE and PATIENCE will be very successful for sure.
3. The above combination also means that Money and flow of finance will be AMPLE. So, the market will not have liquidity issues. As such being an election year in India and in the USA – I see the current government will make it sure to have ample liquidity in the system by hook or crook.
4. When planet GURU is affected – people having qualities of GURU – education – heads of the education institutions – religions and religious leaders –will be affected or they will do something that will affect the masses.
5. There is a beautiful exchange of VENUS – MARS and MERCURY in the above horoscope. Tons of money will be made by people who have the intelligence-guts – guts and ambitions to make big money. The houses involved are 7/8/9 and 2/3/4. Secret partnership / Secret deals / Wrong propaganda will be the theme of the next year. Those who want to make big money should remain Grounded – with tons of common sense and with some Mentor or Consultant.
6. Money expansion and inflation will be high. It means RICH will become RICHER or those who invest like RICH will become RICHER.
7. The sun is debilated in the 8th house. It is aspected by Jupiter and making a trine with Saturn. It is with MOON and MARS. It means – there is going to be tough situations for top leaders to come back to the POWER. Eg. Modi ji will have a tough time. His health may suffer. Since the Sun is with the MARS he will have tons of GUTS to fight back and with the Moon – he will make an emotional appeal and that will make his chances of winning high. All of RAKSHASHI powers will be against him for sure.
8. Mars is making a trine with Saturn. Mars is sitting with SUN and MOON and aspected by JUPITER. So, the WAR and FIGHT will take place to fulfill the ego of Religious and Political leaders. Those who focus on making money in such time – will make tons of money FAST.
What about NORMAL investors?
Last year we said – GUTS and INTELLIGENCE. This year there is one more factor – AMBITIONS. Now, all the above qualities are not SKILLS. No school or GURU can teach you. Either you have them or you don’t have them.
The best way is to see your coming year or period and plan your moves. If your coming period is supportive as per your birth chart, the chances of your success become very high.
Since Guru is RETROGRADE – people will not like to follow the disciplined approach. So, those who are disciplined along with the above qualities – will move with super speed towards their goals.
What is my advice for success with happiness?
If you just want SUCCESS – it’s relatively easy. Say you want money – you do the pickpocket. You like somebody and he or she says NO to you – you honey trap or rape. The above action will surely have unhappy aftereffects.
I always recommend my clients to work holistically in all 5 areas such as – VASTU / HIMSELF / His Resources / His SKILLSETS and his HOROSCOPE. Those who follow the above 5 factors – have success with the after-effects of only HAPPINESS.
What NEXT?
If you need personalized guidance for your coming time or inputs for investing – you can approach us.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.
Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion & Invest with Reason.
Hitesh Parikh.
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