“MANIFESTATION” is the talk in the Social Media. It’s not for TOM DICK and HARRY.
25th August 2023
“MANIFESTATION” is the talk in the Social Media. It’s not for TOM DICK and HARRY.
Dear Fellow Travellers,
Namaste! In our last post, we explained the reality of the FREE WILL and So-called FREEDOM. It was categorically explained that nobody is PUPPET and nobody is absolutely independent in the true sense. If you open YOUTUBE tons of new age gurus are talking about MANIFESTATION. Their basic message is - you are MANIFESTING your FUTURE with your THOUGHTS and WORDS.
Say you are thinking about – ABUNDANCE in your life – you will have ABUNDANCE.
You are thinking about MONEY – you will ATTRACT MONEY. They call it MONEY MAGNET.
You are thinking about LOVE / MARRIAGE / DIVORCE – you will have them as per your desire.
In short, if you think positive – positive will happen and if you think negative – negative will happen. This is very SIMPLE and STRETCHED LOGIC. In life and in the market – things don’t move in LINEAR FASHION and the events will not MANIFEST as per your thoughts and words.
What is the REAL SCIENCE if you want to MANIFEST?
Do you really want to MAIFEST your FUTURE? If yes, read the steps below given. I am taking help from YOGSUTRA of PATANJALI.
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali:
There are 8 steps. But to get ready for MANIFESTATION – you need the first 6 steps.
· Yama (Restraints) : - This is CODE OF CONDUCT. There are 5 ethical concepts that you are supposed to follow – Non-Violence, Truthfulness / Non-Stealing / Celibacy / Non-Coveting. The idea is to RESTRAINT yourself. These are outward gestures towards your fellow travelers or society at large.
· Niyama (Observances) : - This is inward gesture. Purification / Contentment / Asceticism / Study / Dedication to God or Master.
· Asana (Posture): - This is not YOGASANA as you may like to think. This means just a comfortable posture in which you can sit for a long time without any bodily disturbance. If you can sit comfortably – then only you can progress in PRANAYAM and MEDITATION.
· Pranayama (Breath Control): - Breath is life. Patanjali instructs that the practitioner should regulate the inhalations, exhalations, and retentions of the breath in a cyclical manner. Since the eight limbs are concerned with preparing for meditation, any breath that is centering and brings us in contact with the present moment helps the body and mind to turn the focus inward.
· Pratyahara (Withdrawal of the Senses): - Isolating consciousness from the distractions offered by engagement with the senses is the final physical preparation for the meditation practices outlined in the final three limbs. This can be in itself a form of what we would call mindfulness in which sensory input such as sounds, sights, or smells are noticed as external and then allowed to pass without capturing our attention.
· Dharana (Concentration): - Now you are ready to Concentrate. Once you achieve concentration and focus – you are ready to MANIFEST. At this juncture – whatever you desire and if you MANIFEST the same – you have more chances of FULFILLING the same.
Queen Gandhari and Manifestation: - She had done the SADHNA of keeping her eyes closed for years as his Husband was blind. So, when she desired to give power to DURYODHAN – she manifested that DURYODHAN should become strong like IRON and it happened. Her manifestation was INSTANT. This is the power of PREPARATION and SADHANA.
Manifestation V/s. Destiny: -
Say you have taken all the above steps as I have enlisted – Do you think you can MANIFEST anything and everything? NO. Manifestation is not beyond Destiny.
Karna was well prepared and he was better ARACHER than ARJUNA. He could not launch the BRAHMASHTRA in KURUKSHTRA in the war against ARJUNA and got killed.
Manifestation is like a small garden of your bungalow where you can grow some plants play or just relax. Destiny is the Boundary of that GARDEN. You can’t go out of the boundary. That’s where the concept of DESTINY MANAGEMENT comes in.
My Final thoughts on MANIFESTATION: -
When your BRAIN is in the stage of DELTA or GAMA WAVES – whatever you say or desire you can MANIFEST immediately and surely. We have N number of examples where SADHUS gave a boon of KID to KIDLESS COUPLE and they got the Kid/s.
Our brain goes to the DELTA or GAMA stage in deep meditation or in deep and unexpected troubles. In normal circumstances, BRAIN generates BETA waves. Beta waves can’t manifest. So, all our regular thoughts and actions are nothing but BETA waves.
Those who take you for a ride in the name of MANIFESTATIONS – must understand the difference between - Wishful Thinking and Concentrated Thoughts.
What NEXT?
Always remember - If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
There is no EASY way to the top or success but there are SIMPLE ways as given by PATANJALI to the top.
Make your choice.
If you need help in PERSONAL DESTINY MANAGEMENT – you are welcome.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.
Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion and invest with Reason.
Hitesh Parikh.
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