How the BULLS and BEAR Play their GAME? Understand this and make tons of money.
2nd June 2023
How the BULLS and BEAR Play their GAME? Understand this and make tons of money.
Dear All,
Namaste! Today newspaper carries the news that Indian GDP is likely to grow at 7.2% in 2024. They all were shouting at the top of their voice that RECESSION will come and now they are saying Economy will move up!! This is the JOKE on the people who follows the MEDIA and invest. To help my readers – I am sharing how the actual BULLS and BEAR game is played in the market.
Let us understand what is BULL and BEAR first: -
Bull is a guy who makes money by buying shares. He becomes more and more aggressive when the market is moving up. Bear is a buy who is making money by selling the shares. He becomes more and more aggressive when the market is going down. They both take advantage of the TREND. Some can forecast the TREND in advance. The most seasoned traders – play the trend in totality.
What happens with the normal investors?
They become optimistic when the trend is about to reach to the top and they become pessimistic when the negative trend is about to reverse to the positive. They are always the LAST to join the game.
Buffet also waits for the right time and right price but the normal investors wait for the SURE SHOT calls!! They want something for NOTHING. They want quick return without RISK. The funny thing happens with them – they always end up losing the highest amount!!
How the smartest of the smart investors see this phenomenon?
They know that the market is moving in CIRCLE. What has gone down will come up and what has gone up will come down. They just witness the market.
Dialogue of the movie ENTER the DRAGON describes the smartest of the smart investor in the best possible way.
A good fight should be like a small play, but played seriously. A good martial artist does not become tense, but ready. Not thinking, yet not dreaming. Ready for whatever may come. When the opponent expands, I contract. When he contracts, I expand. And when there is an opportunity, I do not hit. It hits all by itself. (Read as many times as you like)
Buffet says this in a simple words – "buy when others sell and sell when other buy".
They know that Market is nothing but a CIRCLE. The same is applicable to LIFE and DEATH.
In GITA – Lord Krishna has said those who are born will die and those who die will born again.
They don’t think too much with the SCAM / RECESSION / ELECTIONS / GDP / FINANCIAL RESULTS and things like that. They always focus on the TREND and SECTORS which are likely to lead the next BULL PHASE.
If you look at the life of any individual – it will have ups and down. He will have good period and he will have bad period. The spiritual masters says – this is a CYCLE. Don’t get involved into them. Just be a WITNESS and you will be out of the CYCLE.
To move in CYCLE is the NATURE of the NATURE. LIFE and DEATH / LOSS AND PROFIT / RESPECT and DISRESPECT. Everything moves in the circle. That’s why the KRISHNA asked the ARJUN to get above all of them and focus on doing the karma as your DUTY.
How to use the MEDIA?
See the MEDIA carefully. If they are bringing positive news in tons – beware that the SELLING will come suddenly. If they are bringing NEGATIVE news as if the WORLD is going to END – it means the TEJI is about to start.
Always ask commonsense question – if market is really good and likely to go up further – why some guys are selling? If market is going to go down as per the NEWS – why some guys are buying as if there is no tomorrow?
Remember – nobody likes losses and nobody wants to make losses knowingly.
What NEXT?
See the ups and downs as the DRAMA being played. You focus on the opportunities you can take advantage. If you just do this much – I assure you – you will make tons of money.
In the movie ENTER THE DRAGON the ABOTT gives following advice to BRUCE LEE.
“The enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives. Destroy the image and you will break the enemy”.
NEGATIVE and POSITIVE NEWS are the illusions. Behind which the real businesses are run. Find out the value and invest.
I wish you all the best.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.
Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion & Invest with Reason.
Hitesh Parikh.
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