Are you Goal / Purpose / Result Oriented or Consequences Oriented Investor?

 25th June 2023

Are you Goal / Purpose / Result Oriented or Consequences Oriented Investor?

Dear Fellow Investors,

Namaste! This is the ultimate blog for the happy investors. Tons of financial planners and investment consultant have their pitch ready. They start with Goals / Purpose of the investments and ends their pitch with the Rosy Results which their clients can expect. This looks logical as it talks about the CAUSE and EFFECT relationships.

Let us see consequences of the common life examples where goals are reached: -

1.   You are in TRAFFIC JAM. You start driving your bike on the FOOTPATH.

2.   You want to create the super class infrastructure – just cut the ARRAY COLONY TREES.

3.   You want to become RICH at the speed of the thought – cheat the normal people/banks and run away from India.

4.   You want a great money fast – get married to the OLD PERSON and become the controlling person of his or her wealth.

5.   You want save money on investment consultancy – start investing on TIPS and MEDIA recommendations.

6.   You want to save on the insurance premiums – so you don’t take the medi-claim or life insurance.

7.   You want to enjoy your life NOW – you want to live LIFE king size – you have no Money – So take VARIOUS LOANS and start enjoying.

Can you see you have achieved your STATED GOALS and you may be enjoying your results also in all of the above examples? What about the consequences of the above achievements?

Why Consequences is different than the Results?

Consequences is the RESPONSE of the NATURE to your actions and results. Those who are single mindedly focused on the results they may end up achieving their desired outcome but the end consequences may not lead to happiness.

Look at the successful person around you –he may be having Palatial Bungalow / Beautiful wife and Smart Kids / Rolls Royce and collection of Jewelry due to his success. He may consider him as successful due the above. But the consequences to check is whether he is happy or not after having all of the above?

If he is not HAPPY – which is more likely the consequence of his single minded focus on his goals – he has wasted his whole life. Read the letter of STEVE JOB when he was at the DEATH BED.

How to improve the consequences of your success?

Begin with the end in mind – is one of the 7 habits of the successful people. Whatever you are planning to do – planning to achieve – just see the end consequences first. We call it HOLISTIC thought process.

Lord Krishna in GITA CHAPTER 18 – slok 13-14 talks about the same thing – VASTU (NATURE around you) / You (your deep down intentions of doing something or not) / Your Resources (You want CHEAP / FREE resources of you want to pay them adequately) / Your ABILITIES to use your resources (you have AC but you are not using it because your energy bill will shoot up) / Your LUCK ( your tendencies to REACT in different situations and with different people).

We have been practicing this since 2011 for ourselves and our clients – who are ready to listen to us. We have seen mind-blowing shift towards HAPPINESS with SUCCESS rather than only SUCCESS.


They know following things before they invest.

1.   They have spent years in education.

2.   After education they have spent at least 10 years before they have sizeable investment amount.

3.   They see that whatever money they have is the results of their 30 years of investment of TIME and HARD WORK.

4.   They want to multiply these money but not ready to LOSE this money at any cost.

5.   They will appoint a seasoned personal investment consultant – pay him well and take advantage of his skill sets before investing.

6.   They will keep a personal TRACK of all the investments – in spite of having a consultant.

7.   In the process – they personally become good investors in the 3 years’ time and they also know the talent of their investment consultant.  

8.   Now, they give their consultant free hand managing their money and start enjoying their money.

We recommend all of the readers to take the above steps before they can think taking more risk. Those who are not ready to wait for 3 years – will end up shifting from one place to other.

What NEXT?

Achieving results is important. But being HAPPY HOLISTICALLY is the MOST IMPORTANT. If you want HAPPINESS while your wealth moves up – you are welcome to approach us.

Check our track record and you will see that – ACCURACY of predictions and HOLISTIC thought process is our SPECIALITY.

So, you will be successful also and happy too.

Make your choice NOW.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /  WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.


Hitesh Parikh.



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