The Common Link between years – 1978 / 1987 / 1996 / 2005 /2014 and 2023.

 11th October 2022

The Common Link between years – 1978 / 1987 / 1996 / 2005 /2014 and 2023.

Dear Fellow Investors,

Namaste! Let me prepare you for the year 2023. You have been bombarded with tons of negative news and the news will not stop as MEDIA is controlled by the top business people world over. Like you, they also want to make tons of money. So, selective news is released to the masses. I know the MASSES will follow the MEDIA only. But, from my side, I want to share with you the FACTS for the last 40 years.

The Common Link between years 1978 / 1987 / 1996 / 2005 /2014.

1.   They all have a total of 7.

2.   Market during the year was positive. In 1978/1987 – the Dow index had made top and fell in the August to October period. The overall market was positive.

3.   Gold was moving up in all the above years.

4.   Inflation was also up one side for the last 40 years.

5.   Some or the other PONZI SCHEMES or Financial fraud or SCAM had been detected in the above years and the punishments were announced.

6.   1987 / 2005 was the major year for overall systematic financial manipulation of the market in the USA. In India also Market was in manipulative mode during the above two years.

What about 2023?

2023 is also number 7 and it will surely have all the above common points in the market.

Warren Buffett has taught me one of the most important lessons for investing and that is to study financial history as deeply as you can. Normal investors are busy with media and seeing dreams of making some fast money. They don’t have time to study the FACTS of History. When they are not ready to look back – they get carried away by the NEWS planted by the VESTED interest people.

How do I see MARKET in 2023?

Let me share with you the story of ARJUN and GURU DHRON. All the princes were asked to hit the arrow in the right eye of the dummy bird kept in the branch of a distant tree.

Guru will call each and every prince and ask one simple question – what do you see?

Like NORMAL people they would tell they see TREE / GARDEN / Real Birds and the Dummy Bird. Guru will send back each of them.

When ARJUN’s turn came he said – he can see the RIGHT EYE of the dummy bird only. He was given a chance and he HIT the TARGET.

The point is – You can’t hit the TARGET, you can’t see.

I am giving you one TARGET for the year 2023 – MAKE TONS OF MONEY FROM MARKET in 2023.

If you focus on the same – HISTORY from the year 1978 to 2014 as given above markets were up and you can make tons of money EASILY.

If you see all the things like other princes - you will fail for sure. 

How to make it double sure?

History says markets were positive. To make it DOUBLE sure – you need SKILL SETS and SUPPORT of INDIVIDUAL LUCK.

At Destiny Management we help you with the best of the INVESTMENT SKILL SETS and the most accurate reading of your coming time. If you take the help of these two factors along with market movements in 2023 – I am sure, you will make tons of money.

Do approach us ASAP. 

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.

Hitesh Parikh.


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