7 advance strategies for success and happiness in all situations.

 10th July 2022

7 advance strategies for success and happiness in all situations.

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Namaste! Our post on the Recession was superbly accepted by all the readers. Thanks for their time in reading the same and appreciating our sharing. Many had asked to share some of the ways to be successful and happy in all situations. Today we are sharing the most advanced 7 strategies for the benefit of all the readers. I follow them. You can try and share your results. Here they go…

Everything happens for a reason and a purpose and it is for our good only.

Those who have read GITA or heard the summary would have always read the first sentence – whatever happens, is good and whatever will happen will also be good.

This sentence has the deepest meaning. Look at the Billionaires in the USA – they were going through the pain of Divorce. What they did– they toll the advantage of this BAD EVENT into making tons of money for themselves.

Since, I deal with astrology also – when people are in trouble, they ask one question to me – WHY this is happening to me only? Now, this question is coming from EGO. When EGO is operating – even small pain becomes severe pain.

Years back I had gone to NEHRU PLANATOTIUM with my school-going daughter. They have kept the picture of the UNIVERSE at the gate. Since I went for the first time – I was also curious as my daughter to look at the EARTH in the UNIVERSE. The total SOLAR SYSTEM was shown as a SMALL CIRCLE and EARTH was shown as a DOT. It was really humbling to see that EARTH itself is a DOT – what is the existence of India / Mumbai and Hitesh Parikh in the same? 

The point is – “WHY ME” is not the right question. The right questions are – WHAT NEXT? What can be done in the given situations? If you focus on these questions – you will have something to do about them. When you do something about them – slowly and gradually, you will see that you are enjoying the new normal.

The point is to develop an attitude to believe that Everything happens for a reason and a purpose and it is for our good only.

There is no such thing as failure. There are only Results.

This is also related to the number 1. Most people will not try only for the fear of failure. There are two things – you and your results. Now, normal people consider their results as their personal failures. So, if the results are not good, their EGO gets affected. Their son failed in 10th and they will take it personally as if the SON has done some serious CRIME.

The smartest of the SMART – see themselves and their results as separate. They will continue to do their work or take efforts till they get their desired results.

Many of you would have heard the story of Thomas Edison. He failed 900 or more times before he finally made the proper BULB. He was asked about these failures. He said they are not failures – they are the 900 ways in which you can’t make the BULB.

The above example is the best example to understand the second point. See the RESULTS as RESULTS and not your FAILURES.

Whatever Happens Take Responsibility: -

If you have read the first two points – you will say- you are not responsible for anything. But the great leaders and the top performer always take the responsibility for failures on them. Have you seen your FATHER would have told you – Just do it, I am there behind you. Now, your father was not doing anything but just hearing his words would have motivated you to do the best in the given game or exam.

The smartest of the smart believe that they are the creator of their own world. So, the failure of any kind in their world is their own responsibility.

When you have their belief – you will take the action to repair or correct the situation fast. You will not spend the time in BLAME GAME.

It’s not necessary to understand everything to do everything

Successful people have this belief. They don’t waste time going into the details as long as they have the working knowledge or the information about the same. Say Modi Ji is doing the inauguration of the SARDAR PATEL STATUE – he will just use the SCISSOR and the story ends. He will not bother with how many tons of BRICKS and CEMENT were used and how the mold was prepared and things like that. He wanted to keep the STATUE, asked agencies to make it and he did the inauguration. That’s it. He makes his life simple.

Focus on necessary information while you are doing anything. You don’t have to know EVERYTHING about them to do them. I keep on getting inquiries about the stock market and they ask all things about market/economy and politics and blah, blah. 

I suggest one simple piece of advice – you have Rs.10 lakhs or Rs. 1 Cr. Just find out some companies which can multiply your money as per your desire or target. Don’t bother yourself about other unnecessary information. Those who focus on my advice always end up making good money. Those who bother with unnecessary information – they miss the market opportunities.

You should follow the Tag line of NIKE – Just do it.

People are your GREATEST resources: -

Look at Mukesh Bhai. He is hiring the best of the people at World Class compensation. Not only that he is giving them a FLAT to stay and that flat is given to them when they retire as a gift. The point is – he respects the talents and keeps it with him for a long time.

One definition of a successful person is to find out how old his servants and his friends are. If his servants and his friends are with him for a long time – he must be a successful person.

In India, I have seen businessmen like to keep 3 persons of Rs.10000 per month salary as employees than one person of Rs.25000 salary. When the work requires skills or talents – and when your human resources are not supportive – you can’t go very far in your business or life.

Work is a Play: -

Do you think you can be successful in something which you hate to do it? I keep on writing my blogs. It is my best joy. It gives me the biggest pleasure of the day. It’s a play for me. I have written my blogs at 3am also and at 4pm also. The energy is always superb when I am writing my blogs.

It is the best way to relax for me. All the activities you are doing – should be a play for you. If it’s not played from within you will end up having stress and performance anxiety. This will ruin the pleasure of success in the end.

So, make your work your play. The other name for Play is Passion. Do you have a passion for your work?

There is no abiding success without commitment.

When I started my journey towards success – My first COACH told me a one-line message – Commitment is like VIRGINITY. Either you have it or you don’t have it. There is nothing like 50% commitment or 99% commitment. It must be 100% always.

When you are committed to taking your life to the next level – nothing will stop you. You will go on taking your actions till you reach your goals.

Swami Vivekananda had said – ARISE, AWAKE, and STOP not till your goals are reached. The fuel behind this attitude is your 100% commitment and nothing else.

What will happen when you apply the above 7 strategies?

The situations always keep on changing but when you have the support of 7 sisters, you will always be ready to live each day at a time. You will have no complaints with the people or employees. You will always make yourself responsible for everything and you will have control over your life and the events of your life.

In short, you will always have the power to deal with any situations in your life, business, or investments.

What NEXT?

Great achievement requires great strategies. The above 7 are the best of the advanced strategies. If you follow them, I assure you success, peace, and happiness in your life.

Have a Super Sunday.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.

Hitesh Parikh.


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