RRR – is the talk of the town. Not the Movie. Russia, Rate, and Recession. What about the 4th R?

 6th June 2022

RRR – is the talk of the town. Not the Movie. Russia, Rate, and Recession. What about the 4th R?

Dear Fellow Investors,

Namaste! RRR became the most profitable movie in the year 2022 so far. For a change, I have not watched the same yet. I am not desiring to watch also. I am watching the MEGA RRR – Russian War, Rising Rate, and the fear of Recession. If you are an investor of any scale this post is for you.

Russian War: -

The Game starts with the Russian attack on Ukraine. The prices of Oil and Commodities are on the rise. The world is facing inflation. In fact, the USA had the highest rate of inflation in the last 40 years.

The unique aspect of this war is all the World leaders go to Ukraine amidst the war to meet the local leaders. In fact, the first lady of the USA also visited Ukraine. We removed all our students and other countries also removed their citizens from Ukraine and LEADERS are visiting Ukraine!! I have been told that Putin’s daughter met the leader of Ukraine 30 times between March to May. I have not got the time to confirm this news from Google.  

They have no FEAR of DEATH or There is no Real WAR. Either of the 2 things must be true. The way RUSSIA is not killing Ukraine in one shot proves that there are more hidden issues than the simple WAR.


Rate Increase World Wide: -

All the World countries are simultaneously realizing that everybody is NAKED behind the Cloth. Inflation is moving up and all the blame for the same is passed on to the WAR.

Can we see that they wanted to increase the prices to make billions and they created the reasons for the WAR?

Now, they are trying to control the prices with the
Interest Rate Hike. Last month RBI surprised the market with a 0.40% increase in the rate. Was it the surprise at the top? The God Knows.

Monetary policies have failed long back in controlling inflation and that is the FACT.

The real reason – RAHU in MESH Rashi has made the politician MAD. They are focusing on their EGO rather than the public goods. BJP is recruiting tom dick and harry into the party to win the seats. Everybody has become MYOPIC and they are not ready to think beyond their immediate advantages. This is the RAHU effect.

Recession: -

When RATES are high and your income doesn’t go up – the normal person will go less shopping. They will shop only for those things which are bare necessities.

A recent post in MEDIA says DIGITAL payment platforms are preparing SACKET buying strategy. Buy LESS but buy MORE often. In olden times, we used to buy Rs.1 Sacket of Shampoo 10 times a month. Something like that they are doing in Digital platforms.

Naturally, when demand is low, RECESSION is possible. Nothing new in that.

These are the 3 RRRs that MEDIA is talking about. I am talking about the HIDDEN R behind these RRR.

4th R – Return: -

Buffett had taught me that being an investor he is always optimistic about the future. But he loves the pessimistic conditions of the Market to invest in. He is not pessimistic.

He always acts REVERSE of the market moves. Why?

Because he probably knows and knows more accurately – that this RECESSION, INFLATION, and any economic FAD is nothing but a well-thought plan of the hidden forces behind the curtains.

If somebody has to invest say USD 100 Trillion worth of amount – he will have to create a situation where the markets are down and people are selling. He can go on buying silently and one fine day he will become USD 1000 Trillion worth when the market takes a U-turn. He can finance all the WARS and other nonsense in the World. He will sell before that. See FIIs were selling in India since the LAST OCTOBER and the WAR started in FEBRUARY.  

I am focusing on R for Return. I am not joining the RRR camp.

What NEXT?

All those glitters are not GOLD my friend. Go beyond obvious in the life and the market. You will make tons of money only and only if you act now.

If you like our thought process and if you really want to take part in the mother of all bull runs as predicted in the MARCH -2022 in our blogs – you are welcome to join us.

Your decision today will decide your destiny tomorrow.

Take your call.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.

Hitesh Parikh.


  1. TNX excellently explained & logically suits too Let us see the future Fw yr blog to others too

  2. Yes Sir Ji, Very well Explained and now is the time to put consider your advice Seriously and Systematically


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